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Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Government's argument 'could only fool a career civil servant'

When the numbers are put in perspective, the federal government’s extraordinary buildup of ammunition looks even more ominous than critics already have portrayed it.

An analysis by Forbes contributor Ralph Benko shows the 1.6 billion rounds of ammo that the government is acquiring would be enough for more than 100 years of training.



  1. For the Europe debt style Riots that will occur here in the United States during Obameee's term.

  2. folks Obama has a plan to kill a large number of americans. DHS is his civilian army he will use against US Citizenry.
    those of us who chose not to give up our guns will be dealt with by these forces.
    knowledge is power, learn all you can about this POTUS. we are losing more Rights daily!

  3. Oh, oh, Obama and his Kenyan brothers are planning on hunting you crazies for the next 100 year.

  4. We'll make sure he gets you to Alex!
    Don't worry, you will not be left out.

  5. the ammo manufacturers need to cut off the federal government, or start selling them squibs and blanks.

  6. Alex get off that computer and get back to your bedroom. Your still grounded.

  7. This stinks i only have about 10years worth. Time to spend some more money.

  8. 1:34, it's you're still grounded.

  9. Alex said...
    1:34, it's you're still grounded.

    March 13, 2013 at 2:59 PM

    You are just too funny alec.

    I have noticed you have not been on here much lately.

    Have you been busy in Virginia maybe?

  10. I just want Alex to give us his explanantion as to why Homeland Security needs 1.6 BILLION rounds of rifle ammunition that is too expensive to use for target practice, is so lethal that, by international treaty, is BANNED for use in WAR (!), and would take DECADES of constant firing to deplete. And while you give us your best and most convoluted liberal BS reasoning, go ahead and tell us why they also need to practice shooting targets of pregnant women and children and why our military is practing the suppression of civil unrest in American cities. Leave out references to "tin-foil hat" conspiracies, Alexandria, because the aforementioned actions are DOCUMENTED by GOVERNMENT records and official accounts. They don't even try to hide it. They count on people like Alexandria. Come on Alexis. Explain it to us.

  11. If collectively, the civilian gun owners buy an appropriate amount also, the intent of the second amendment will be upheld and in force....protect the citizens from the government.


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