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Sunday, March 31, 2013

FBI: We Never Investigated Popular UFO File

Of all the 6,700 previous top-secret files in the FBI’s online reading room, one single- page memo about a UFO report has attracted almost a million viewers over the last two years. However, the FBI now says it never followed up on the unconfirmed account of extraterrestrial life.

In the popular 1950 memo titled “UFOs or No?” then head of FBI field office in Washington, D.C. Guy Hottel related the UFO story to then FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. Hottel wrote that three “flying saucers” were recovered in New Mexico. The saucers, which were “circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter,” each had “three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture” inside.

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  1. One thing that we can depend on is that the government will never come clean and consistently lies to us about this subject.

    The FBI has always ready, willing and able to investigate anything they are asked too. Expecting people to believe they would ignore this information is an insult to ones intelligence.

  2. Absolutely no connection to Roswell.2 completely different events 3 years apart.

  3. Absolutely no connection to Roswell.2 completely different events 3 years apart.

    March 31, 2013 at 3:44 PM

    How do YOU know? Because the government told you? And they certainly would not lie would they? 3 years in not that long of a time period. At first the gov said they were flying saucers, then 3 hours later they said they were balloons. If there is nothing to this and all the other 'incidents' out there, why is there so much secrecy? Especially after all this time? If there was any truth to it, would the gov admit it and maybe cause a panic? Have to answer more questions. Have to explain their contradictory stories of time past. We can't handle the truth, remember? Our planet, our universe, our galaxy is so small compared to space. We have no idea what is out there in nearby area that we can see and some we can go to. What about the massive other universes, gallaxies, etc. out there we can't see or go to? It's pretty arrogant and ignorant to assume we are alone. Whether it is by divine design or merely a big bang accident, it couldn't happen before, at the same time or after ours occured? Fact is, we don't know for sure either way. It's all a matter of conjecture, but every year we find more and more evidence of the possibilities of other life. It's just irresponsible and ignorant of possibilities to state conclusively that we are the only life out there. There are literally trillions, and probably more, of possible scenarios. To say we are the only possible one is quite simply hogwash. The brightest minds in the WORLD cannot answer unequivocally one way or the other. So it stands to reason any other lower intelligent folks could say one way or the other. Anyone who says otherwise is terribly mistaken or just an ignorant fool of the highest order.

  4. 9:47-I hope you don't think I meant there was no other life out there.My point was that there have been more actual crashes than anyone(other than the FBI)realize.Regardless of how advanced the technology,accidents happen.Maybe,like us,aliens make occasional errors in judgement,or maybe the crafts had some sort of propulsion failure.What strikes me odd is that in the 40's and 50's multiple ufo's would crash at the same time.If an airplane crashes it crashes singularly,one at a time.Certainly not 3 at once,unless 3 are shot down at once.

  5. 8:40 AM

    Sorry if it seemed I was attacking you or anything. I was not. Peace.


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