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Sunday, March 03, 2013

Effects Of Sequestration Begin To Take Shape In Md.

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — Maryland lawmakers now have a better picture of how the federal spending cuts signed by President Obama will affect Marylanders.

Civilian employees would be placed on unpaid furlough status for 22 workdays and programs meant to help the unemployed find work could also see their dollars cut.

“Sequestration is no way to run a country,” said Rep. Elijah Cummings.

A letter from the Pentagon to Governor O’Malley states the army would lose $95 million–that includes cuts to Fort Meade and Aberdeen Proving Ground–the Air Force at least $10 million, affecting projects at Andrews Air Force Base and a $9 million cut to the Naval Academy.



  1. John Kerry just gave $190 million immediately to Egypt!
    What' s up with that? Syria just got money too!
    What about the USA???

  2. The citizens took a 2% cut in their take home pay this year and were told to "deal with it." So how does it feel? Hurts don't it?

  3. 1:39 Thank you, but guess what? That 190 million is just part of the Obama approved $450 million total package to Egypt. But you will not hear any comments from O'Malley except it's all Bushes fault. So, we cut $114 million bucks coming into Maryland, and the Democrats give Egypt $450 million. IS THIS A GREAT COUNTRY OR WHAT.

  4. Stinking hypocrite liberal scum. I only hope the Obama spawned sequestration hits the Obamanites hardest.

  5. I wonder if Michelle's VACATION fund took a hit.... Not likely.

  6. Good this is just the beginning lets keep these cuts coming just make them bigger!

  7. The Dems are blaming Repubs but this was orchestrated by Obama and they designed it this way - across the board cuts - so they (Dems) can blame the Republicans for it. The priority of our government is supposed to be to protect its citizens and their properties. That means our military and law enforcement agencies should not be a part of political game playing. Unless, of course, you're a marxist and don't care about America and its citizens!

  8. There are NO cuts. Only a reduction in the4 rate that spennding goes up. These furloghs are completetly uneeded.

  9. This idiot governor will cut spending to all the programs that help the needy while keeping lawmakers in top pay.

  10. since this sequestration, gas has went down 5 to 10 cents. Way to go Republicans!

  11. since this sequestration, gas has went down 5 to 10 cents. Way to go Republicans!

    March 4, 2013 at 11:17 AM

    ??? What does the sequ have to do with that?


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