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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Democrats Are Pushing Back Against President Obama's Proposed Cuts To Our Social Safety Net

Party leaders Senator Harry Reid and Representative Nancy Pelosi may be on board with President Obama's so-called “Grand Bargain,” but rank-and-file democrats are vowing to protest any plan that cuts Social Security or Medicare. America's Senator, Senator Bernie Sanders, said, “Some of us believe very strongly that it would be absolutely wrong to cut Social Security benefits.” Democratic leaders are offering cuts to health and retirement programs, in an effort to get the GOP to compromise on new tax increases. But recent history shows us that Republicans will never compromise. Time and time again they've threatened to crash our economy, let poor and elderly people starve, all so they can protect tax breaks for their millionaire and billionaire buddies. We need to stop negotiating with these economic terrorists. President Obama and the Democrats need to listen to Bernie Sanders and take our social safety net off the economic chopping block.


  1. It does'nt matter,once China shuts off our electric we wont need any social nets.

  2. The truth is the social safety net has become a HAMMOCK!
    CUT THEM OFF NOW. Save the expense to working Americans.

    Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for life.
    If he doesn't want to learn, he goes hungry. Tough.

  3. Social safety net?

    You really mean government subsistence for voting democrat.

    Safety net my a&&!

  4. 4:10 PM,
    I've have paid into social security since I was 18 years old. When I turn 65, I want what I have earn. I say, get rid of all these programs that allow women with tons of kids without the kids father in the picture who sit home and not work while collected tax paying assistance money. Get those welfare queens into the work force. Leave the middle class and the elders earn money alone.

  5. Exactly 7:05!
    Too many are collecting money they neither earned or deserve NOR will ever contribute back to society in any meaningful way.
    Seniors that have paid into the socialist system for a lifetime deserve the Government to prioritize them as FIRST!
    NO bleeding heart liberal crybaby special interest groups involved.


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