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Friday, March 22, 2013

Court Upholds Maryland's Concealed Carry Law

A federal appeals court says Maryland's law requiring applicants for a permit to carry a handgun to have a substantial reason is constitutional.

A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday unanimously overturned a March 2012 ruling by U.S. District Judge Benson E. Legg.

Legg found that the right to bear arms is not limited to the home and that Maryland's law was designed to minimize the number of firearms outside homes by limiting the privilege to those who could demonstrate "good reason." He said the Second Amendment and a Supreme Court decision barred the state from enforcing that provision of the law.

Appeals court Judge Robert King wrote that the provision is reasonably adapted to Maryland's interest in public safety and crime prevention.



  1. Limiting the number of guns out on the street has NEVER stopped or reduced gun violence! Just look at Delaware; open carry is legal, 30 state concealed permits are easily attained, and you don't hear of any more gun crime there than in Maryland.

    Somebody pain somebody here.

  2. I hope Wollard and the Second Amendment Foundation appeal this to the Supreme Court.

  3. What have we done? Vote these fools out and get someone with commen sence in there place they may just have a brain that works

  4. This..taxes and libtarded state policy is the sole reason my house is on the market and im moving to va goodbye MD

  5. Bet all three of those liberal judges carry. They just don't want you to have the same rights.

  6. u d$mn right they carry

  7. The reason, "because I want to", should be enough.

    Where in the constitution or bill of rights does it say, you have these rights only if you get permission first?

  8. What these guys don't understand is that they don't have the "right" to take away you "rights"

  9. Subjects must ask for permission, citizens do not. Maryland stopped having citizens a long time ago.

  10. I have been carrying for around 3years. No I do not have permit just a God given right to protect my family. And the constitution to back it up.

  11. The Constitution gives me that right.

  12. Moving moving moving hope ya all take this to the supreme court...

  13. EXACTLY what Jefferson said would happen. He warned us, even as he wrote the Declaration that, one day, somewhere in the future, we would again be vexed by those to whom we GRANT power. The nature of those in power is to increase and preserve that power. At any cost. He also told us HOW they would do it. And every one of his stated conditions are present. Good news is, he also told us what to do about it. He was not only a brilliant man, but prophetic. Hopefully so, anyway....


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