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Monday, March 04, 2013

Company Removes 'rape' Shirt listed On Amazon

(CNN) -- Twitter users erupted in anger Saturday after discovering shirts listed on Amazon with a slogan that appeared to promote rape and violence against women.

The shirt read "Keep Calm and Rape On" and was available on Amazon's UK website. The company that prints the shirts, U.S.-based Solid Gold Bomb, removed the listing after it was notified of the slogan.

The company also removed a shirt with the slogan "Keep Calm and Hit Her."

Solid Gold Bomb apologized, saying the slogans were computer-generated and the company did not deliberately create them.


  1. Reminds me of SNL guy, forgot his name, "Yeah, that's the ticket!"

  2. Leave it to those crazy Brits!

  3. I'd buy it... lighten up people.

  4. 9:15 You (and all like you) are the reason this country is going to H&LL. Not everything IS OK. You just think it is cool to be permissive and act like you really don't care. I bet there is a history of violence in your family. I'm sorry for you.


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