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Friday, March 15, 2013

Cashville Fire Is 68th Suspected Arson

ONANCOCK, Va. (WAVY) - Crews responded to an unoccupied structure fire in Onancock late Thursday evening and arson is suspected.

The fire sparked around 10:45 p.m. along Cashville Road. WAVY News' Jason Marks was on the scene and said the building was fully engulfed in flames, almost burned all the way to the ground. Crews from Tasley and Onancock responded to the fire.

Nearby resident, Emory Hurst told WAVY.com the building that burned was most recently used to store farm equipment. Hurst said, before that, it was an old schoolhouse used in the early 1900s.



  1. These fires seem to be fully involved or well on their way before the fire companies get there. How is this criminal starting them for it to be major fire so quickly? No one has ever said how he is doing this. I hope when they catch him he never sees the light of day again.

  2. I hope he sets himself on fire.

  3. I have to wonder why the Virginia state police made the public alert about the road blocks and ceased them, then the perp was right back at it the night after like he was positive there would be no road blocks? I thought maybe the police would have continued the road blocks after their alert of them being ceased. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense..

  4. They cant tell you how they start,just hoping for a lead.

  5. Whomever this arsonist is, they are obviously brilliant-misguided-but brilliant none the less.
    I wish they would make public a manifesto of sorts. While most are interested in the "who" I think the public would also benefit from the "whys" and the views of this person/persons.

  6. Whoever this is could end up making a lot of money if they quit while they are still ahead and no one is killed or injured. Years ago I read a story where a house burglar was caught. They were only able to charge him with a few burglaries although LE knows he did a lot more. The guy served a short while in jail then went on to school LE all over the country about residential house breakins and how a thief covers their tracks, etc and he was paid big bucks to do this.
    The guy was from Balitmore and if I remember correctly the story was in Reader's Digest. When I get a chance later I'll try and see if the story is archived somewhere online.

  7. On WBOC last night an Accomack fire chief said that the perp also removed cameras placed to catch the person. How did this perp know that cameras had been set up to catch the arsonist in the first place? Summin' fishy about this investigation.

  8. 2:36-The fire chief was slightly off target with that comment.Everyone should commend the job the fire depts are doing,so the last thing I want to do is slam what the chief said.However,the cameras simply failed to capture an image of the perp.The perp did not move or remove the cameras.

  9. 11:27-I agree fully with your comment.However,a manifesto would be difficult to pull off without revealing the identity of the perp.So many tracking tecniques are available.

  10. Yeah maybe the MSM can make him a hero of sorts like Dorner.

  11. You think 4:38? I'm not so sure. This person is slick. They could handwrite and send snail mail to someplace like Joe's office and they could really get away with it. Remember the person sending the anthax through the mail? They never caught them.

  12. Yeah maybe the MSM can make him a hero of sorts like Dorner.

    March 15, 2013 at 5:28 PM

    The media made a hero out of Dorner? I don't think so. The PEOPLE made a hero out of Dorner because he highlighted a growing concern in this country about corrupt and abusive cops.

    He had the balls to warn everyone what he was going to do, then went and done it.

    Not as much as he stated he would but at least he did something.

    What have any of you done besides sit on your butts in front of a computer and protest your ignorance?

    A LOT of people wished he had taken out more bad cops.

    You don't think the police kill innocent people, everyday?

    They are just very good at covering it up and covering up for their buddies.

    Thankfully, that is slowly beginning to change with more video evidence taken by people catching these scum in the act.

    One day the police may kill you. And after people stop laughing and saying you deserved it, I doubt you will be missed.

  13. 6:42-True.I keep forgetting about snail mail.


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