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Monday, March 18, 2013

Car Runs On Nothing But Air

If you're looking for the car of the future, look no further than Peter Dearman's rusty, 25-year-old Vauxhall Nova.

A beer keg sits in the messy trunk. Pipes run through the middle of the car, which is littered with wrenches and loose bolts. Under the hood, a red, plastic garbage can holds anti-freeze that spills over the sides and a piece of wood holds, well, everything else together.

But look beyond the homemade at what's not there: no gas, no batteries. The Dearman engine -- which sounds like a high pitched golf cart -- is powered only by liquid air. This may be the greenest car on the planet.



  1. Hell, we've got a President that runs on hot air.

  2. And where do you get the liquid oxygen?
    You have to use energy to create the liquid oxygen.
    Nothing is free.

  3. My checking account has been running on nothing but air lately.

  4. 12:38 PM...

    That's not hard to do. My wife can trun frigged just by be getting near her.

  5. very cool article. i really dig diy homemade solutions.

  6. I don't recall anyone saying it was FREE.

    And if your wife is FRIGID, neither one of you will get FRIGGED.

  7. Curious to get the numbers, @ 3 miles a tankful, how much fuel is burned to make a keg of Liquid Nitrogen? $50 or 50 cents?

  8. why? nitrogen isn't being used is it?

  9. Great ideal. Would run big oil companies out of business. Or at least, bring them down to the hard working class level.


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