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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Brooke Mulford Update 12-5-13

Long time since last update...Brooke has been continuing on with this clinical trial but has been experiencing some pretty serious headaches throughout. At the moment we are a CHOP satellite hospital (Virtua) in Voorhees, NJ having an MRI done of her brain to make sure that nothing serious is going on causing the headaches. This is her first MRI she has had in 4 years since diagnosis and we decided to have her sedated. No matter how many times she has been sedated in the past it never gets easier for me to see her that way.

...had to stop typing for awhile...Brooke woke from the sedation with emergent delirium - almost 3 hours of kicking and screaming - it was horrible and exhausting. She is doing fine now - just a bit wobbly still. She does not remember any of it - I unfortunately will never forget! 

No results yet - I will know something by tomorrow morning at the latest. Please pray that the images don't show any problems and that her disease has not spread to her brain.

Brooke has an appt at CHOP in the morning for Onco clinic, labs and IV chemo. Will try to update tomorrow but I am going to try and get out of CHOP as quickly as possible and on the road before the snow storm hits here so we can make it home safely.
Just got a call from Brooke's doctor that the MRI looked good and that there was no sign of disease in her brain. As long as her labs look good in the morning she will get her next dose of IV chemo tomorrow.


  1. I am sorry to read that Brooke is still having health problems. Her story brings tears to my eyes, and I pray for her recovery. Thank you for continuing to share Brooke's life with us.

  2. God bless Brooke.

  3. Love and prayers to Brooke. You are an amazing mother and I can't imagine how difficult it is for you as well.

  4. Our church is praying for Brooke. I am saying a prayer right now that God will give you His peace that passes all understanding. Lean on Him. It is so hard to see your child suffering. I admire you for all that you are doing for Brooke. Just let God be your strength.

  5. Praying hard for you, Brooke, and for your Mommy and Daddy and Bailey to continue being strong for you!


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