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Friday, March 08, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Unemployment Falls To 7.7 Percent In February

Unemployment rate falls to 7.7 percent in February, as employers add 236,000 jobs. 


  1. If this information is from the government, you can bet it is a lie..

  2. B.S.!

    Obama definition of workforce:
    working or looking for work.
    If you stop looking for work or your unemployment benefits run out, you are not considered workforce and they don't count you in their cooked up numbers.
    The ACTUAL rate of true unemployment in the U.S. is 14+ percent.
    This regime is engaging the American public with propaganda.
    A rosy, sunny,cherry-picked optimistic version that is ALL LIE!
    Do the research.

  3. Love the negative comments so far. How about being glad unemployment numbers are falling, housing starts are now at a multi year high, home prices are rising, stock market and our 401k balances are at record highs. Maybe not recovering as fast as we would all like but our steadily improving economy is not a lie.

  4. I would say not recovering as fast as we would like.

    If you measure it against the worst recession in the last 60 years this one is twice as deep and the recovery has not even started yet. Recovery means that a larger portion of Americans have jobs. We are still at the lowest percentage of Americans having jobs in 40 long years.

    How can you call that a recovery at all?

  5. Current figures.
    WHITES: 6.8%...

    HISPANICS: 9.6%...

    BLACKS: 13.8%...

  6. 1:57 That is exactly the problem, low info people fall for the optimistic B.S.
    Obama is doing the same thing as Pre- WWII Germany. Print more money to prop up the stock market and make it look good.
    Big FAIL coming.

  7. Inflation index is pure propaganda as well.

    We all know that everything is more expensive as our grocery bills climbs higher and higher as does gas and everything else. Cars are far more expensive.

    Our money is worth so much less than when Obama became President. The new "higher" minimum wage will not really even make up for real inflation.

    Yet over all income is going down for Americans.

    Some "recovery".

    Just lies as America is destroyed.

  8. How about all the people that have just stopped looking for work. How about all the people that lost a full time job and are just working part time. How about all the people that had a real job in the manufacturing sector and are now working at McDonald's and the like. The MSM jobs stats are Bull Shittake designed to keep the low information sheeple asleep and happy with the worst president this country has ever had. Impeach this useless peace of crap before whats left of the economy collapses.


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