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Monday, March 11, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Judge Rejects NYC Sugary Drink Ban

State judge halts New York City's ban on large sugary drinks, calling the ban 'arbitrary and capricious'. 


  1. perhaps now we can get a judge to over rule super sized McDonald's meals.

  2. Why should a judge guesstimate how much you should order for a meal?
    Have you no willpower?
    If you can't make that basic decision, just post the options available to you here on SbyNews and I'm sure you'll get straight advice.
    "Let's see - broiled salmon or extra cheese pizza?"

    1. Broiled salmon? Easy to watch what you eat when you pay that much for food.. The value meal at McDonalds is for poor people. Of course the poor want all they can get for their money. So tell me does salmon taste the same with your nose pressed to the clouds?

  3. Finally...someone with a brain!

  4. Then eat catfish and collard greens, 522! It's the same. I think you miss the point!

  5. Let's see we've got this judge overruling this legislation, we've got states passing laws that exclude them from federal laws, we've got sheriff's offices voicing opposition to and refusing to abide by proposed laws, we've got another judge in NY, actually their Supreme Court, that have given NY's legislature and governor until mid April to prove a controversial law Constitutional.., And many, many other challenges to the "rights revoking" laws that our various governments are enacting.
    Does anyone else see how degenerate our governments have become?

  6. Yes 6:56 pm starting four years ago.

  7. Thank heavens that idiot mayor got overturned. Who is he that sits in judgment over who drinks, or eats what?

  8. at 5:22 PM
    MickyD's also serves FISH sandwiches, if you look away from the super-sized meals.

  9. finally, some sense.

  10. MickyD's also serves FISH sandwiches, if you look away from the super-sized meals.

    Deep fried fish isn't any better for you than the french fries.

  11. Lets ban super-sized ego lib mayors.

  12. Don't you think guys that banning of that sugary drink actually would have saved us from obesity and many problems which are caused by drinking excessive soft drink?


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