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Monday, March 25, 2013

Both Sides Of Gun Debate Make Public Appeals

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two of the loudest voices in the gun debate say it's up to voters now to make their position known to Congress.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and National Rifle Associate Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre claim their opposing views on guns have the support of the overwhelming number of Americans. They are looking at the next two weeks as critical to the debate, when lawmakers head home to hear from constituents ahead of next month's anticipated Senate vote on gun control.

Bloomberg, a former Republican-turned-independent, has just sunk $12 million for Mayors Against Illegal Guns to run television ads and phone banks in 13 states urging voters to tell their senators to pass legislation requiring universal background checks for gun buyers.



  1. This is America land of the free. Not natzi Germany. Say no to the little Hitler's that want to dictate everything you do.

  2. This is not a topic for voter debate. It is however a point to be considered when voting in elected officials and whether or not they will uphold our Constitution.

  3. Universal? What does "Universal actually mean in their terms? The background checks that are in place don't work, why would they think Universal would? Hands off my 2nd amendment rights! It really doesn't matter...every patriot I know won't allow them to confiscate our weapons, much less regulate them with new laws. Time is short and you better be prepared.

  4. I'm a Veteran and a proud member of a local V.F.W. and American Legion, in two different towns. No one I know is in favor of any gun band. Most are in favor of background checks, but Maryland has that already. But even with background checks criminals will have guns anyway because a criminal does not obey the law.

  5. The Democratic Liberals in office want more revenue (as usual). The various gun control bills implement fees, permits, checks, and the like. Each generates revenue. All the chatter about saving lives is a smokescreen to distract attention away from implementing more taxes and fees. Don't be fooled.

  6. Who are people going to believe, the NRA membership, or Bloomberg?

  7. The baby who was shot in his stroller has me really concerned.That goes way beyond mental illness.

  8. Oath Keeper member tooMarch 25, 2013 at 4:08 PM

    Join the NRA @ NRA.org people!!!

    1. I renewed my membership last week !

  9. 106, no, it doesn't. It's EXACTLY mental illness! These kids; were they skipping school? Delinquent? Messing with drugs or alcohol?


    They already had illegal (stolen?) guns. They went through no "Background check", THEY'RE MINORS!!!! Watch, they will turn out(if they admit it) to be gang wannabees or recruits out to "prove" their loyalty. Initiation. My daughter did lesser but similar crap, so I know.

    This is the stupid crap that the Bloomberg crowd chants to get perfectly legal gun owner to give up their rights. He is full of crap, and so are you.

    Eat that.

  10. 6:32 PM

    Wow, speaking of mental illness. You need to shut your pie hole, stop ranting to strangers and go spend time with your daughter.

    Maybe then she won't feel she has to join a gang to get some love and attention.

    You're not exactly over flowing with it.

  11. 6:32 PM

    You are an example of the ones they hold up as the type who shouldn't have access to a firearm.

    Inability to control anger and aggressiveness traits, coupled with a firearm, could be very dangerous for anyone in the same area.

    And your daughter wants to join a gang? Hmm.


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