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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Benjamin Crump: Judge, Don't Make Me Answer Questions From George Zimmerman's Lawyers

Benjamin Crump, the attorney for Trayvon Martin's family, has filed new paperwork, saying there's no valid reason for a judge to reverse herself and order him to answer defense attorneys' questions in the George Zimmerman murder case.

On Feb, 22, Circuit Judge Debra S. Nelson rejected defense attorneys' initial request, agreeing with Crump that he was not at the scene of the shooting and could provide no material details.

But last week, defense attorney Mark O'Mara filed new paperwork, asking her to reconsider.

Defense attorneys want to learn more about Crump's dealings with the state's most important witness, a young Miami woman who was on the phone with Trayvon moments before Zimmerman shot the Miami Gardens 17-year-old to death Feb. 26, 2012, in Sanford. 



  1. Oh I see a one sided system???

  2. Well, if she's admitted to lying before in this case, well....

  3. Crump's no doubt coached this witness on what to say and not say same as he did with the father.
    On first hearing the 911 tape father said it was NOT Trayvon's voice he heard yelling for help. Then a few days later he changed his story and said it WAS Trayvon he heard yelling help.

  4. Just have the trial and get it over with for pete sake.I'm surprised that folks are still so passionate about this case.It really is better off ignored.Every one of us has known a person like George at some point in our lives.I worked with one.To no fault of their own they have an uncanny ability to create drama and chaos.


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