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Friday, March 08, 2013

Attention WalMart Shoppers

I lost my job. Have three kids. Please help for food and rent. God Bless.


  1. Were the three kids job related?

  2. I know this is sign of the times, and I feel sympathy for people in need. However, I have always been skeptical of these individuals who panhandle for money. There are many programs: churchs, HALO, social services, etc. that can assist people. I do not feel comfortable giving money to these people.

  3. Is this at the Salisbury Walmart? Another scammer, no money from me!

  4. Is there no welfare? Is there no free health care in the ER? Is there no food stamp program? Why is it necessary to panhandle? I just looked at my paycheck and the various governments (Federal, State, County and City) have confiscated almost 45% from it to help these folks out. You don't think that money has been mismanaged so poorly that there are no funds for this lady and her children?

    Go figure!

  5. If they have .22lr or 9mm, I'll throw her a few bucks to go in and get me the 3 box limit. Score and win/win.

  6. Charity starts at home. Sorry.

  7. Ask if she voted for Obama. Then ask how she likes the change.

  8. I hate to see people fall on hard times, but I also hate to see when people beg and then say God Bless. I go to church just about every Sunday, but I fee the God Bless phrase is being used to tug at heart strings.

  9. Uh, Where's your husband?

  10. SCAM ARTISTS........

  11. Is Walmart management aware of this activity on their grounds?

    Do they care if I as a paying customer want to be able to shop there without being subjected to beggars and panhandlers?

    If they allow this activity, I will not shop there I can tell you.

  12. We have become a society of handouts. Welfare is the new slavery. I heard this said many years ago by a news commentator and didn't understand what he meant but I think I do now. People are so use to getting something for nothing that they have given up everything including their pride to get the handouts. I can remember when I felt shame for the person in front of me with food stamps but there is no shame in anything anymore. I'm not saying there should be shame in being poor..I'm saying we didn't know we were poor and only the very poor had to use food stamps. We didn't try to keep up with the Jones back then like everyone does today. There are people driving nice cars and living in nicer homes than most that are on welfare. And now they are talking about welfare for pets. If you are on welfare you are a slave to the state. I feel sorry for anyone who truly needs welfare..but anymore I understand how it has become the modern day version of slavery.

  13. The same thing goes on at Dunkin-Donuts. A women holds a sign asking for help/donations.

  14. We send billions of dollars to other countries for various reasons. People complain that we should help Americans first. Yet, when the opportunity arises, they bitch moan and complain.

    If you don't want to give anyone money, don't.

    Stop judging people and belittling them because they need help.

    A lot of people are just one paycheck away from being homeless themselves, if they are lucky enough to even get a paycheck.

    There have been beggars for at least thousands of years. Jesus extols us to help the poor, the hungry, the naked.

    And to do it gladly. If there are scammers out there, that is between them and God.

    Do the right thing. Or not.

    That is between YOU and God.


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