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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Albero - Salisbury's Best Choice for Economic Development

As a frequent contributor to SBYnews, I have written many articles regarding the current poor state of our local economy. Articles that list actual business closures and the associated detrimental effects on our local economy.  We have published information regarding the actual number of employees being displaced.  Such notables industry giants as Haliburton, Crown Cork & Seal, Campbell Soup, Grumman Corporation, Sealy, American Paving Corp. - 88 businesses in all.  Virtually every dinner table in and around Salisbury has heard of these horror stories.  And now finally - along comes a high profile retired business professional - one that has battle tested entrepreneurial skills.

As independent assessor - the employment conditions in and around Salisbury - shows that our County has lost another 1400 jobs in our workforce over the past 12 months alone.  My question to our political leaders - how much longer can this deteriorating condition continue?  It's now been going for over 5 years.

CORRECT THE CONDITION - It is well within the power of our residents to try and remedy the situation.  This rare opportunity comes every four years and will come again on Tuesday.  The voters in Salisbury will have a decision to make.  Who is the most qualified candidate to lead our City/County out of the economic doldrums and usher-in a new business friendly environment.  At the very top of the list - should be the name Joe Albero.

Economic Promoter - We all know that Joe is a big fan of Fernando.  From the humble beginnings of Fernando's career as an amateur - all the way to the big leagues - Joe has touted this young man's talent.  So it comes as no surprise that Joe has been a natural at promoting events.  The same analogy can be applied to Salisbury.  Will it be easy - probably not - but the bottom line is that Joe is the candidate that will pour out his 'heart and soul' to try and better this community as a whole.  We have all seen this at the Civic Center events, Perdue Stadium, not to mention the charitable contributions to the Salvation Army and countless snow removal projects.  And SBYnews is another noteworthy accomplishment as it is rated as one of the nation's top blogs, and, Maryland's top blog.

Family Man - One of the most prominent features that I can describe about this gentleman - is his sense of grounding - his ever loving devotion to his wife, children, grandchildren, and community.  And aren't these the ideals and principles that America was founded on?  Now I am not saying that he is perfect and can tend to be a little bit mischievous from time to time - but then again - don't these features add to his allure of an all American family tradition.  In my honest opinion - I would much rather have a Mayor with a little color and sense of humor as opposed to one that has no fare at all.

Bottom Line - I encourage all Salisbury registered voters to go out and vote for this gentleman on Tuesday. I know of no other person that is up for the occasion to help lead this City/County out of the current economic predicament.  This is one of the few opportunity's that comes along whereby one single person can make a demonstrable change.  I encourage everyone to vote for Joe Albero as Mayor.

Posted by Beezer - SBYnews Contributor


  1. Joe I wish you and your family the best and Happy Easter to all. Joe I will be in Church today and my prayers will be for Salisbury to finally get the leader ship it so desperately needs.

  2. This is a really nice post, Mr. Beezer. It sums Joe up. Ireton can't debate his failures, so he smears Joe.

    Ireton also smears Debbie Campbell. Last night I watched her video on Facebook (search for Campbell4Salisbury). So true, a must see!

    That's the difference between Joe and Ireton. Joe will build business here the old fashioned way. Ireton's plan is to give it away cheap.

    I also noted that Ireton's minions are trying to smear Debbie and Joe by saying they are aligned. Well, look who Ireton and Day are aligned with: BARRIE TILGHMAN, MIKE DUNN, CHICAGO PACS!

    Time to step up, Salisbury. Joe has his faults, but unlike Ireton, he takes responsibility for them. Ireton takes responsibility for nothing. He just blames others like a little child.

  3. I wish Ireton would stop trying to steal the show. Isn't it funny that all of a sudden Ireton is just starting to talk about economic development - when for the past few years Joe has been showing all of businesses disappearing.

    How can a Mayor talk out one side of the mouth while preaching on the other. I hope Joe wins because he deserves to win for exposing the economic disaster.

  4. That's because Ireton speaks from an orivice other tham his mouth. Happy Easter!

  5. My thoughts about Joe mirror Beezer's and I would vote for Joe in a second if I lived in Salisbury.
    As far as Mrs Campbell is concerned the residents of Salisbury need now more than ever someone like her who is watching the city's wallet.
    Some are refusing to see and if they do are refusing to admit that governments nationwide are going bankrupt.
    Salisbury have very little industry and is ripe for a major disaster such as a bankruptcy. This isn't being an alarmist nor is it a joke.

  6. In all honesty the loss of businesses and the jobs that go along with them can be blamed on many factors other than just Ireton, including the worst Governor this state has ever had.

    All the more reason to vote for Joe Albero for mayor. Maryland and the country as a whole would be in much better shape if we would stop electing ideologues and put people in office who know about job creation and how money works.

    So give it a try, vote for Joe Albero and give Jimmy Dolittle a little time to reflect.

  7. We live out of state and yesterday we came down for the day to visit family,saw plenty of signs for Joe and none for the other. Hoping that this is a good sign that Joe wins. Salisbury needs someone like Joe to turn the city around. I only wish I could vote for you, but you have my mothers vote.

  8. Response to 9:44 - I noticed that to - the common theme among all of the City Council candidates and the other Mayoral candidate is jobs, jobs, jobs.

    Joe Albero has been preaching to the choir about this subject for several years now. In order to plan for the future you must first fix the past - and Joe seems to be onto this subject better than any of the others.

  9. 5 years now, where are Obama's shovel ready jobs? People need to wise up and vote for those who opposed Obama's policies, they clearly aren't the answer and things can get a lot worse. You may find out one day that your retirement 401k is only worth half or less than you think. Yes, it can get worse, wise up voters! All it will take is a huge correction in the stock markets and American dollars will fall like the Mexician Peso did in the '80's. People woke up one day to find out their savings were trash!

  10. I wonder if the mayor will be in Church today to ask for forgiveness of his SINS and we all know what his biggest sin is???

  11. 10:49 said- "5 years now, where are Obama's shovel ready jobs?"

    I can tell you one that's turned into a hugh disaster. The Rt 54 road project (west fenwick area). Took years to complete and now the area is nothing but a hugh cluster that makes it a hugh nuisance to get in and out of the businesses along the route.
    In the year or so it's been completed, I can count the people I've seen using the sidewalk on one hand and the bike path on 2 hands.
    Tons of money wasted and it's ruined businesses not to mention it looks like hell. Took the back road scenic look away.

  12. Honestly, I don't see either Joe or Ireton as good choices. However, I do know Ireton has been a terrible mayor. So, why not let Joe have a shot? Campbell has done well and should be voted in vs. Day. I don't see a slam dunk candidate at all. But, you have to go with the best that is available. Ireton, ain't it.

  13. I'm so worried about the people of Salisbury , I don't know if they are just ignorant or just followers. If you don't win , this city is doomed and will be a laughing stock of the U.S..

  14. In my estimation he is the only mayoral candidate that has the internal fortitude to make the tough budget decisions. And - he is the only one that has the abilities to dramatically increase revenues through economic reforms. I agree with most of the above postings - he really is the best man for the job.

  15. It seems to me that what a lot of people think has been progress in Salisbury is actually the opposite. The Rt 13 corridor is nothing but a corporate conglomerate. This is not progress because the majority of the money leaves the community-the executives, manangement, top paying jobs aren't held by people within the community. They are spending their money elsewhere. This has created the blight because most of the jobs they create are of such a low wage.

  16. If only I lived in the City I could and would vote for Joe. It is hard to imagine what impact Joe would have on Salisbury - but my imagination says it would be substantially better than what we have had.

    I concur - Joe is the best choice.

  17. We all know where ireton is going for his sins.

  18. If I am not mistaken, I believe Joe is also a motor cycle enthusiast. I remember seeing him on a Harley Davidson a few years ago. And as one who also owns a Harley - I can say that he is as american as 'Apple Pie'. I say give the guy a shot as Salisbury's next Mayor. I to would be willing to bet my bottom dollar that Salisbury would soon be flourishing under his leadership.

  19. I've been a resident of Salisbury since 2006 and I have seen the city go down economically drastically since then. Joe is Salisbury's best chance to change that. I hope and pray on this Easter that this city does not make the same kind of mistake a slim majority of the country did in the national elections.

  20. On Tuesday, the polls close at 7 PM. How long will it take to count the votes and announce the winners? Where will Ireton most likely be when he takes in on the chin oops I mean hears the news? And where might Mayor-elect oops I mean Joe Albero be? Thanks in advance for any ideas. This will be too big to miss!

  21. Jim Ireton HAD a council majority willing to work with him, but he spent 90% of his time calling them names, meeting with the likes of Mike Dunn, scheming with the Daily Times and sucking up to Barrie Tilghman. No wonder Salisbury is in such a mess. Like Barrie, Jim spent more time trying to ruin his "enemies" than getting anything good done.

    Lied to people, used his friends, embarrasses the town with his immature and lewd antics. The man is a disgrace!

  22. I have known Joe for a long time and Joe has been a man to speak his mind for what he believes is right or wrong. I think joe would be a great mayor of Salisbury. His integrity and ambition will be a great asset to the city of Salisbury. joe not only has the most love and the best interest of Salisbury, he truly knows Salisbury from left to right. He takes the time to be involved with the youth and in our community. I'm Fernando Guerrero and i say that Joe Albero would be a great person to have as mayor of Salisbury.

  23. bkln said...
    I wonder if the mayor will be in Church today to ask for forgiveness of his SINS and we all know what his biggest sin is???

    March 31, 2013 at 11:30 AM

    I seriously doubt it! He used to be a Catholic, but he left the church because he is a sinner. He sent out an email yesterday to his stolen email distribution list and one of the first things he said was "HAPPY EASTER." Then he went on to thank everyone who attended the downtown Easter egg hunt. He obviously doesn't understand the true meaning of Easter.

  24. Wow - such a great message. I think Salisbury is on the verge of having a change of command. Maybe Salisbury will be restored to her former glory of a thriving metropolis like it once used to be in the 50's & 60's.

  25. Joe I wish you the best of luck on Tuesday! I saw your buddy ( turn coat John Liarson) has already declared Ireton/Day the winner and has a party planned! I would love to rain on that party

  26. Loser Liarton Party @March 31, 2013 at 7:54 PM

    There party for Losing is at the Holiday Inn It should be Awesome I will be selling tissues in the parking Lot.

  27. I think that Anony 7:40 is talking about John Robinson.....Joe did he not endorse you for Mayor first? Made free Tshirts and all? What happened there? Mayor promise to give him the shot at the skatepark?

  28. Mayor screwed the kids out of the skate-park shame on him.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Jim Ireton HAD a council majority willing to work with him, but he spent 90% of his time calling them names, meeting with the likes of Mike Dunn, scheming with the Daily Times and sucking up to Barrie Tilghman. No wonder Salisbury is in such a mess. Like Barrie, Jim spent more time trying to ruin his "enemies" than getting anything good done.

    Lied to people, used his friends, embarrasses the town with his immature and lewd antics. The man is a disgrace!

    March 31, 2013 at 6:38 PM

    You are exactly correct. Jim Ireton was elected because he was going to be transparent and work with the city council. What a farce. He is now in bed with his enemies and embraced their dirty politics. His enemies in the city were John Pick, Lore Chambers and all the corrupt department heads. Jim Ireton is a turncoat and now embraces the likes of Barrie Tilghman, Louise Smith, Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys, Lynn and Don Cathcart and Shanie Shields.

    I am voting for Joe Albero and Debbie Campbell on Tuesday and everyone that cares about their home in Salisbury needs to make sure they get out and vote for these 2 individuals.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Honestly, I don't see either Joe or Ireton as good choices. However, I do know Ireton has been a terrible mayor. So, why not let Joe have a shot? Campbell has done well and should be voted in vs. Day. I don't see a slam dunk candidate at all. But, you have to go with the best that is available. Ireton, ain't it.

    March 31, 2013 at 11:57 AM

    Joe Albero may not be a good choice, but Ireton is a bad choice. I've had people question about Joe Albero being a good choice and I told them to give Joe a chance and you will only have him for 2 1/2 years if you don't like him. We gave Jim Ireton a chance and he failed us. Now Joe Albero deserves a chance.

    Vote Joe Albero and Debbie Campbell for Salisbury on Tuesday April 2, 2013.

  31. Anonymous said...
    I think that Anony 7:40 is talking about John Robinson.....Joe did he not endorse you for Mayor first? Made free Tshirts and all? What happened there? Mayor promise to give him the shot at the skatepark?

    March 31, 2013 at 8:00 PM

    That is what I understand.

  32. Joe,I Will be driving up and down 13 tomorrow as i work the overnight shift on the Job (PD) and i will keep my eyes on your signs trust me if i see something they Will be getting locked up.)

  33. We all know Joe by now, he may have a big ego and be a bit brash at times, However Joe Albero doesn't enter anything to become a failure, he plays to win! He will roll with the punches to make it happen captain! God bless you Joe and Debbie.

  34. Maybe if businesses in the county paid a livable wage, people would stay in the area....

  35. "tom said...
    Mayor screwed the kids out of the skate-park shame on him.

    March 31, 2013 at 8:20 PM"

    Personally I am not a fan of a skatepark but that whole thing was typical Ireton. Plan A is brought forth. People objected so instead of having another plan (Plan B) in place to propose, Ireton throws a fit and that's the end of the skatepark.
    IMO there is something out there that will work,- a compromise- and instead of going this route and working with everyone Ireton engages in namecalling and blame after the first rejection.
    It shouldn't be like this.

  36. This is a really good article. I know Joe is going to win because all of this is true. Mr. Beezer - I agree - you are right on point.

  37. I am Jake Days age but will be voting for Campbell, Polk and Albero for Mayor. Salisbury needs established leadership that already has years of experience. Not someone new who will take years to develop. We need progress and results now. Not in 2015.

  38. I have known Joe Albero for more than 51 years. I know how his childhood was and the stuggles the family endured during his early years up thru high school. I have watched him work his tail off to become a successful buisness owner and pass that opportunity on to others that worked for him. I have watched him donate his time to help others never expecting anything in return. I watched Joe go into retirement at a early age knowing that it would never last because I know his drive. I know his family is proud of his accomplishments. I also know that as mayor he can use this lifetime of experience and help the city of Salisbury become what it once was. I know all of this because he is my brother. Joe- Your family is proud of you and loves you very much!!!!!! John


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