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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Accomac Motel Destroyed By Fire

ACCOMACK COUNTY - An old but well-known motel on the Eastern Shore went up in flames Tuesday night.

Crews spent hours at the Whispering Pines motel on Tasley Road after arriving around 9:30 p.m.

Va. State Police say the preliminary investigation indicates the fire was intentionally set.



  1. Was this the intended target all along?

  2. Seriously, this arsonist has to be an inside person.

  3. Seriously, this arsonist has to be an inside person.

    March 13, 2013 at 9:41 AM

    Why? Anyone can set a fire.

  4. Seems to me he's doing the area a favor. Every set on fire was a hazard and eye sore.

  5. 11:04: So far, thank God, no one has been injured by this psycho. If the person responsible continues, it is almost inevitable that there will be an accident attributed to their crime. When that happens, I'm sure the state will repay "the favor" by putting them away for a long, long time. That is, if Andy, Barney, and Gomer (or whoever is running the so-called "investigation" in Accomack) ever find this person.

  6. Sounds like Accomack has a poltergeist.All of the conventional investigating in the world can't stop it if it is.It won't stop until it has fulfilled it's objective,whatever that is.

  7. There are about 6 houses falling to the ground on Rt12 (fleming rd.) in Horntown, Va. close to the entrance of Trail's End Campground that need to go too. All of them are empty and the windows and porches falling off.

  8. 12:49's remark may be part of the problem. If enough residents don't care and actually think the guy is doing them a favor I don't think it is going to end anytime soon. Unfortunately it will probably take someone getting hurt or actual valuable property being destroyed until the community works together and the serial arsonist (and probably his buddies) is caught.

  9. Next time there is a fire turn loose the bloodhounds,he's out there watching.

  10. This isn't just a fireman, this is someone inside the investagation loop or they are loose with the info!

  11. James m wood, and or his Associates from the past {2011}, look up VA Case search, 5/12 was sentenced to 6 Months.

  12. Either this guy is commonly known and is being supported by the County Code Enforcement or the local dicks are in compliance, there is some serious Dumbery going on here! And I know Dumbery is not a word, but the Accomac County Police and the VA. State Police have introduced into the dictionary!

    Trail Cams

  13. Has to be a fireman. Who else would know the county this well and the vacant buildings that haven't been occupied in years.
    Worked for 911 emergency services in the 80's and have seen cases of fires intentionally set by bored firemen seeking some excitement.
    Who would have better knowledge and trust in the community?
    I wonder if this will spill over into rural Maryland areas of Somerset or Worcester counties not far from the VA border?

  14. Sigh. Trail cams work for animals because they do not have hands or thumbs to remove the cameras after they hear and see it take a picture.

    You want to lose hundreds of dollars, go right ahead and place all you want into the woods.

    Look inside your secret spy ring for another message.I'm going to put on my x-ray glasses.

  15. I didn't know there were 6o some stuctures in Accomack County. It must be a tent community by now. I have a plain evacuate all twelve people that live down there and see which one smells like smoke.

  16. 253, it caught a local boy here stealing from a veggie stand money can. The new ones don't click and flash like an old Instamatic. They use motion detectors and adjust to existing light and take stills and videos. If well hidden out of plain sight, an arsonist at 10 pm will see and hear nothing.

    Get up with the times. How much money has been spent so far in "solving" this crime?

  17. Bet this guy and his crew head South tonight and hit again, wish i had the time to track him down.


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