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Friday, March 08, 2013

A State Judge In Pennsylvania Is Standing Up For The Poor

Governor Tom Corbett diverted funds from low-income health insurance programs to finance other items in his state's budget, but Commonwealth Judge Dan Pellegrini has ordered Corbett to reinstate funding to the vital health programs. William R. Caroselli, the attorney representing more than 100 program recipients, said, "What the administration did was reprehensible and we're pleased the Commonwealth Court ordered them to reinstate this important program." An attorney for House Speaker Sam Smith, one of the lawmakers responsible for diverting funds, said his client will try to get the ruling overturned. It's shameful that Republicans in Pennsylvania want to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, but thanks to Judge Pellegrini, they're not getting away with it for now.


  1. These are exactly the program's that NEED to be cut.
    NOWHERE in the Constitution does it say we can be FORCED by the Government to give to those that play the system, didn't take advantage of the opportunity to be educated or just refuse to work.

  2. So a pertisan hack dumbocrat judge overruled the state legislature.
    Where do these judges get the idea that they overrule the elected representatives?

    2:49 is absolutely right. Those are the exact programs that need to be cut.
    People think they are intitled to free health care payed for by someone else. It's just plain wrong.
    NOBODY should be more responsible for your own health care more than YOU.


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