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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Daily Times Article Worth Linking To

Ocean Pines releases list of delinquent members

OPA names those who owe more than $5,000 in dues
OCEAN PINES — More than 60 Ocean Pines property owners each owe the Ocean Pines Association more than $5,000 in homeowners association dues.

OPA staff members released the list of the 63 delinquent property owners to the public in an effort to get them to pay. The OPA board voted in January to allow the release of unpaid assessments with the oversight of OPA general manager Bob Thompson.

“I’d like to see these folks work with us,” said Tom Terry, president of the board.



  1. Homeowners associations are nothing but another form of Nazis!

  2. I would never move into a development with a HOA, but if others do it then they ought to fulfill their contractual obligations. Those fees are used to maintain the neighborhood. They can be lowered by a vote of the HOA board.


  4. Anon 4:39 PM, a lien is only good if the property owner trys to sell the house.

  5. 3:45 you are wrong. HOA is the purest form of democracy. 4:26 you are correct they are used to maintain the common grounds. Its not that bad. 4:39 I'm quite sure liens will be placed on the property. Finally, if the development has an HOA or not you're still going to have dead beats who are going to be ultimately subsidized by those paying their due...you know kinda like society as we know it today.

  6. I don't know which is worse, these so called associations or the _____'s that support them.

  7. 4:52-Are you sure? I think maybe a lien could be enforced in the same manner and subject to the same requirements as a mortgage foreclosure.

  8. This is exactly why i would never, ever move into a home that belongs to a HOA. "3:45 - Homeowners associations are nothing but another form of Nazis!"

    Your bushes are 13"!
    They can only be 12" cut them down!
    Your shed is blue, it is only allowed to be white or grey!!

    HAHA stupid HOA's and morons who live within them.

  9. It's really a matter of priorities. You can smoke and drink, use pills and burn herb, gamble and pursue other vices, or you can pay less than $2.50 per day to have your neighborhood maintained and amenities to enjoy.

    On the other hand, H.O.A.'s really do suck.


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