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Sunday, March 03, 2013

2013 Proposed Fee Bills

The Fisheries Service wants to make anglers aware of two bills proposed in the 2013 Legislative Session which, if approved, will affect 2014 fishing license fees. Senate Bill 525 affects both commercial and recreational fees and Senate Bill 662 only affects commercial fees, including fishing guides.

The legislation was not submitted by the Department of Natural Resources. Both bills were recommended by the Chesapeake Bay Commercial Fishermen’s Association and the sponsors of the bills are listed below. The Department is reaching out to assure you are aware of the bills and we encourage you to contact the sponsors and organizations that recommended these bills to share your support or concerns.

· SB 525/ HB 1253 - Fishing - Sustainable Fisheries Enforcement Fund
Senators Colburn and Dyson, Delegate Jacobs
(Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs, 1st Reader: Hearing 2/26/2013, 1pm) Establishing the Sustainable Fisheries Enforcement Fund as a special enforcement fund; applying a $10 surcharge to commercial fishing licenses and recreational fishing licenses (except seniors and complimentary); requiring that the surcharge supplements current revenue and can only be used for enforcement activities of the Natural Resources Police.

· SB 662/HB 1241 - Natural Resources - Commercial Fishing - Licensing
Senators Mathias and Colburn, Delegate Jacobs
(Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs, 1st Reader: Hearing 2/26/2013, 1pm) Raises certain authorized annual fees and surcharges for specified commercial fishing licenses (includes fishing guides), authorizations, and permits; establishes an annual harvester's registration for all commercial fishermen (except charter only captains) for a fee of $215; requiring anyone that purchases Maryland seafood for resale to be licensed as a dealer or to have purchased from a dealer; and repealing provisions of law that authorize the Department to establish and issue a commercial fishing apprenticeship permit.


  1. Two more perfectly good reasons to leave Maryland!.

  2. These are sad times, when people have to spend every spare moment fighting off an oppressive tyrannical government. You can clearly see how this increase will simply allow omally and thugs to rob this money, just like the hunting increase will....the dedicated moneys to FW & DNR part of the bill wont pass but the increase will. Please help stop the addicts from spending YOUR money....

    MSSA Opposes License Fee Increase
    The Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Association (MSSA) represents the largest and most diverse group of sportfishing and recreational anglers in the state. With over 7,000 members and 14 chapters, including one in Pennsylvania, we provide a unified voice from anglers all over the state on specific issues. Your voice is extremely valuable when making decisions, such as increasing sportfishing fees. Please review the MSSA's position and continue making your voice heard by completing this advocacy email.

    We oppose this bill based on the following;
    1.) Decreased Number of Anglers: Research has shown that even a $1 increase in the cost of a resident annual fishing license can result in a 4.7% decrease in license sales. In 2007, the voluntary sportfishing license fee increase resulted in an 11.23% decrease in license sales. This not only reduces the number of people on our waters, but per DNR this fee increase has an estimated $900,000 reduction in license fee revenue for Fisheries Service.
    2.) Sportfishing Surplus: In 2012 the DNR was mandated to do a study on “cost recovery” and possible solutions to achieve 100% cost recovery from all sectors. From that report we found that the recreational sector has a $1.5 million surplus from the current fee amounts. Asking recreational anglers to pay more while having a surplus is inappropriate.
    3.) Negative Economic Impact: The decreased number of anglers, as a result of this fee, will negatively impact small business such as tackle shops, marinas, lodging, hotels, and all other supporting businesses. The negative economic impact of this bill, though unintended, would be far reaching.
    4.) Money Not Guaranteed: As you are well aware, dedicated funds are prohibited therefore we have no guarantee that these funds will be used for NRP enforcement and any statement otherwise is statutorily untrue.
    5.) Arbitrary Fee Increase: The fee increase was not based on a needs analysis within NRP and instead was simply derived from an arbitrary amount then divided by number of users.

    As stated above, we agree with the spirit of the bill; therefore we would like to recommend a possible avenue to properly fund the NRP.

    First, we must secure support from all stakeholder groups and interested parties, preferably through a summer study mandated by this committee. Second, we need to determine both the short-term and long-term needs/goals of the NRP in regards to enforcement. Third, we must identify, if possible, alternative funding sources outside of tax and fee increases. Fourth, we must find a solution to the public perception that the money will not, in fact, be used for NRP enforcement. Finally, we must be vigilant in reviewing NRP needs and concerns to protect us from budget issues in the future. And only in this way will be able to draft a bill with complete stakeholder support and a funding mechanism to properly support the needs of the NRP well into the future.

    In conclusion, we would like to once again thank you for your support of the MSSA and letting your voice be heard

    Very Respectfully,

    Vince Ringgold


  3. Contact your Representitives at once, INSIST they stop taxing and spending!!! Even if you dont fish...surely you see the theives make new laws every day to empty your pockets....stop the waste.... stop the oppression...!!

  4. When will it stop?they do not need more money they to learn how to cut the fat

  5. This is just one more reason that I'm seriously considering moving out of MD. I can't afford to live here any more.

  6. I could spend my workdays working to support my family, but this crap forces me to spend 2 days a week fighting tax increases. Is that how this is supposed to work?

  7. Starve the beast. Avoid the areas where the DNR are more likely to be active. Maryland is a horrible state for intrusive government but it's big enough to practice the sports you love without harrasment. Talk to fellow sportsmen and learn where the DNR frequent. Maryland liberals would be happy to sqelch out all hunting and fishing and then will b!@#ch about lost revenue.

  8. Take from us to give to the welfare recipients who have more disposable income than I do because of these ever increasing fees and taxes.

  9. Ahhhh.....this is what they do. Find and implement more taxes, fees, fines, SURCHARGES. In every nook and cranny they can think of...THEY WILL NOT STOP. Suspend them. Six feet off the ground.

  10. I blame that idiot colburn who sponsored the bill for this. I called his office and the woman who answered the phone didn't seem to give a rats ass. All she said was colburn doesn't fish! Well this is one republican who will not be voting for colburn ever again! It's bad enough we got to have the democrats taxing the crap out of us, now him too?
    Time to go Dick!
    Mathias from oc was the other sponsor!


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