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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Will ‘Stalking Apps’ Be Stopped?

Last year, owners of the Leaf, Nissan’s hot new electric car, got an unfortunate surprise along with their phenomenal 99 miles per gallon: a sharp-eyed security blogger revealed that Leafs secretly reported their owners’ location, speed and direction to websites that other users could then access through a built-in RSS reader. Nissan did not warn customers that this information was being passed on to various third parties without their consent. Leaf owners are hardly alone. In the past few years, there have been reports that iPhones and Android smart phones have been secretly sending Apple and Google information on users’ whereabouts.

1 comment:

  1. This needs to be brought to the light of day and legislation initiated to stop it. Let the lawmakers work on a real law for "our protection".


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