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Friday, February 22, 2013

Where Was The Media’s Love For ‘Transparency’ The Last Four Years?

President Obama took yet another vacation last week and while Marie Antoinette Michelle took the kids on a fabulous ski trip in Aspen- her 16th vacation since moving into the White House, Barack went golfing with Tiger Woods in Florida.
But the lavish leisurely pursuits of Barack, the “Man of the People,” are nothing new. The real story here is the press’ response to being left out.

The president kept the press at bay and they went crazy. “Legitimate” news organizations snuck around the links like paparazzi looking to grab a picture of Lindsay Lohan on a bender. And when Obama returned to work, the press was not amused and called for “transparency.”

“The decades-old conflict between the press’s right to know and the White House’s desire for effective messaging reached a flash point over the weekend with the White House Press Corps being excluded from President Obama’s golf outing with Tiger Woods.

‘This isn’t about the president’s golf score or having a beer on the 19th hole,’ said Rick Blum, director of the Sunshine in Government Initiative, a group promoting policies for government accessibility and accountability. ‘This really gets to the president being responsive to the public. Sure the president deserves a vacation, but as president you cannot just disappear for four days.’

For some in the press corps, the question of Obama’s accessibility is especially pointed. Longtime White House correspondent Anne Compton of ABC News told Politico recently: ‘The way the president’s availability to the press has shrunk in the last two years is a disgrace. … This White House goes to extreme lengths to keep the press away.’”



  1. Obama Socialist MotorsFebruary 22, 2013 at 11:16 PM

    Obama in Florida playing Golf With Tiger 'Player' Woods and paying $1,000/hour for golf lessons. Not Obama's money, BUT TAXPAYERS MONEY. And Moochelle with kids on her 16th vacation in Aspen, Colorado ON TAXPAYERS MONEY as well. While working man can't afford to take a vacation and we have 53 million people on Welfare. So folks, how does this make make you feel?

  2. 11:16. It's what the majority voted for so when the money runs out let them whine. Times will be very hard and those that have been sensible and prepared will survive.

    This may sound cold but I won't give a scrap to an obammie supporter.

  3. I suggest he take a vacation for the next 3 years.

  4. The President doesn't need to make himself available to the press. They don't ask any "hard" questions and when he has need of them, say campaign time, they wiggle like puppies to get his message out there.


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