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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What Did You Think Of President Obama's State Of The Union Address?


  1. Couldn't stand to watch it, or him. Rented a redbox instead.

  2. Wow the BS meter is already off the charts.

  3. You could tell he was not telling the truth! His mouth was moving.

  4. Of course, how can you watch him when he's talking about science?

  5. When does it start, after something from Ireton?

  6. garbage in garbage out

  7. Please... he only speaks to those who are frequently seen at Walmart . He is so focused on dividing this country by class. He is a very effective misleader!! Someday he will be given the credit he is due...China is slowly each and every credit card co. Are really so arrogant. To believe we deserve and can afford all that is expected??

  8. I'm glad I missed it. Had to sit in on a lecture. No one wanted to hear the sh!t flow out of his stupid mouth.

  9. WTH could really watch it!

  10. Sorry. I chose to watch the dog show instead of the prez. I think I got more intelligent conversation out of the dogs!!!

  11. Missed it. But I tell you what-after 4 years of GOP obstruction, with perhaps 4 more to come, the strategy isn't working, folks.

    If you want to effect political change, you need to have a clear plan for the future and a means to implement it.

    Unfortunately, the party lacks either. Please join us in the 21rst century...

  12. more of the same crap

  13. We don't watch such nonsense in this house.

  14. He actually backed off the gun control issue by saying these people deserve a vote. OK. A vote for what? Basically he did not put out a proposal to be voted on. He is not stupid. He will not fight for gun control with his liberal pansies because he knows he will loose.

  15. Watched the Westminster Dog Show

  16. Lies, lies, and more lies!

    Is gittmo closed yet, can you keep your doctor? I didn't think so!

  17. Just sounded like more of the same to me.

  18. The government should stay out except for my student loans, Medicare that my parents get, and some other stuff.

    Marco Rubio

  19. nothing new; more of the same failed policies; yada, yada, yada. remember when the government is offered as the solution; Run as fast as you can.

    on the other hand; Marco Rubio; great speech, great solutions and offers real hope. wow, what a contrast!

  20. Rand Paul gave a good rebuttal

  21. Couldnt watch it, had to work to pay for all those New Taxes He Put On Us. Hey Alex, did he scientifically explain why his files are still SEALED? No, he didn't, Shocker! So, more BS, like we didn't already had enough.

  22. Frontline on PBS had an series on what is really going on with them all, the chain of events, etc. It was an eye opener. After that I had no interest in seeing what the liar in chief had to say.

  23. My goodness , was I seeing things ?
    Had to turn off right away , I thought I saw his nose growing while he was speaking.
    Going to the eye doctor today , have to pay cash , new obamacare won't pay for it unless you are an illegal or black.

  24. The democrats have had the power for the last 6 years yet they still blame the GOP. Pathetic.

  25. Can not stand to look at the man, can not stand to hear the man's voice, so watched something that would not make me sick.

  26. We watched the Dog Show.

  27. The democrats have had the power for the last 6 years yet they still blame the GOP. Pathetic. To quote 6:09. Absolutely, spot on!

  28. Don't know, I was asleep.

  29. Level of intelligence revealed once again.
    Please stick to watching the dog show and Honey Boo Boo.

  30. Cap welfare benefits at two kids. The rest of us shouldn't be paying anyone to reproduce. When the least independent adults are making money having lots of kids, it's obvious something has to be done.

  31. Alex, referring to your 9:34 post, Obama has made BS into a science. In light of that, many opted to watch the dog show (more truthful).

  32. 10:14 the first 2 year of his term was controlled by thr Dummiecrats in all 3 branches. So you have no one to blame on the Republican side. He got everything he wanted for the first 2 years and the American people tried to stop him from destroying the country by electing the Republicans in the mid terms. I for one am thankfull that they have obstructed his agenda to some point. As for the speech. I can't stand to hear the mans voice because I am liar intolerant. My blood pressure just couldn't take it.

  33. I think that if Alex and others support this president lets raise their taxes to 85% to cover the cost of the life support system the liberals want for lazy, ignorant people that refuse to carry their own weight in society.
    Democrats at 85%. Republicans and independents at 10%.
    Problem solved.

    Do not force me to be charitable to that which I loathe.

  34. There are so many issues of Obama's to rebutt it will make you crazy.

  35. I had my fair share of his BS and am taking a balanced approach whereby when he talks, I do not listen.

  36. Well thankfully the majority of the posters on this post are the extreme minority. Look at the polling numbers, over 70% positive or very positive impressions of the President and his speach. Y'all need to wake up and smell the coffee or be doomed to the abyiss of malcontent and misinformation misery (see faux news). It was a great speach by a great President that has a vision for this country that most Americans agree with.

  37. Oh yeah his "visions" so far have proven to be quite the success stories haven't they 9:35?
    You are the one who needs to wake up? As far as the speech having a 70% postive rating is because the majority of those viewing are Obama supporters, so of course the number is going to be high.
    You also need to wake up and see how the real world works and listen to a REAL great man like Dr Ben Carson. He tells the truth unlike Obama who the only thing he is proficient at is lying.
    Another thing if you think a great person condones women being called hoes and the c word then you are warped and your parents ought to be ashamed of themselves for not raising you better! This alone speaks volumns about your upbringing and lack of.

  38. The comments on this blog are the problem, not the solution. It is sad that our culture has become nothing but a playground for children to top one another on insults.

  39. 9:35 What have you been smoking? He has done nothing but smear the constitution, lie, decieve, and raised taxes. He further more has drove up our debt, killed the U.S. Economy, bailed out businesses that should have bailed out their selves, more and more people are losing jobs, threat of gun control, funding and sending F-16s and weapons to known terrorist groups, priorities that are not for the American People. Yet you still believe him amongst his smoke and mirrors! Folks its time to get your head out of you ass and wake up and help fix the U.S. back to the way it was. Yeah, our children will be paying for this and you don't even know how bad it is!

  40. I see that most of the posters didn't watch the speech. Of course the polls show favorability. Where did you learn math?

  41. The funny thing is if you ask an obama supporter/voter to name one thing he has done that proved successful not only as president but his whole adult life and they can not answer.
    Now I will admit he has been successful at BSing those such as
    9:35. 9:35's "70% positive" mention just proves how out of touch that person is.
    YES OF COURSE the speech is going to have that overwhelming postive rating because YES it was overwhelming watched by obama supporters.
    A piece of advice for you 9:35 and others like this commenter-Start thinking critically and forwardly and you will be much better off. Stop living in a bubble and start using your head.

  42. "abyss of malcontent, 9:35?" Not malcontent at all but something called high standards. You may have and accept low standards but alot of people don't.
    As 10:06 so eloquently pointed out this president has been not only a failure but a dismal one.
    It's a shame and a disgrace that there are people like you who settle for and are content with such failures and don't strive for better.

  43. 9:35 check out fact check.org. and get your facts straight.

  44. 10:53, these yahoos don't get it, but I love it! Spot on!

  45. No I get it 11:50. Rubio was able to pay off his student loan through his book proceeds. Not many students have that bonus. He wants interest set for student loans, same as the democrats want. This won't benefit him at all. He'll write another book and his children's education will be paid for.
    As far as Medicare, that was paid for by the people and their employers. It's wasn't a bad concept that is until the Democrats got their hands in that and screwed that all up as they do with everything they touch.

  46. Bottom line, this president sucks. Work to impeach the clown before he can do more damage. (Independent, informed voter)

  47. 1:47 That would leave that idiot VP Biden as POTUS. If impeachment proceedings are initiated, also require a competency/intelligence test for all of the executive branch, that should also get rid of Biden.

  48. I'd take an idiot over Obama any day. Idiots don't have a plan.

  49. LOL, 1:39. It's way over your head.

  50. Sorry but it's not over my head 6:44. Comment accused Rubio of being hypocritical. It's not rocket science and you are not dealing with your typical obama supporter here. I pointed out that he wasn't being hypocritical and now you are PO'ed because you know I'm right-LOL! Sucks to be proven wrong doesn't it 6:44-LOL.
    And besides the comment was totally wrong because no where has Rubio or any republican ever said the government should stay entirely out of everyone's life.

  51. 7:51, Rubio is so lucky to have you explain his positions to everyone. Of course he isn't a hypocrite! As long as he wants it, government involvement is okay. Maybe everyone should be able to pick and choose which parts of their life government can be involved in. That would really work, wouldn't it? Sucks to be so gullible, doesn't it? LOL

  52. 2:07
    No, he can be impeached & remain in office...like Clinton did. He would not have any presidential powers. Remember?


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