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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Veterans Receive Letters From VA Prohibiting Ownership or Purchase of Firearms

This must be Barack Obama’s way of thanking our veterans for serving.

US veterans are receiving letters from the government informing them that they are disabled and not allowed to own, purchase or possess a firearm. If the veteran does decide to purchase a firearm he will by fined, imprisoned or both.


  1. This truly must be a joke. There is no way this can be true.

  2. Classic example of wingnuts bubble and living in it

  3. Pry it from my cold dead hands. I'll take out a few before I go down.

  4. I see obama's pet sheep Alex is here. BAAAAAAAAA

  5. Now a veteran is going to have to decide if they want to receive psychological help or retain his or her right to own a firearm. What a way to thank someone for serving their country!

  6. 7:28, so it's ok for a mentally incompetent person to own a gun? Who cares if they're veterans or not.

  7. Our government is seriously expecting an uprising, chaos and civil unrest with their next phase of their plan, reducing returning military persons to firearms gives them an edge. The government now claims every veteran has severe depression and therefore unfit for firearm possession.

  8. I guess you're right Alex. Let's just let them finish their assignments with weapons then make sure they can never own one once home. There are some forms of PTSD that shouldn't preclude someone from owning a firearm. Let's just ostracize all veterans to make Alex happy.

  9. Silly Alex tricks are for kids.

  10. The only letter I've seen from the VA was addressed to an individual who had already demonstrated a lack of competency in handling his personal affairs. If indeed, this person is not competent, he probably shouldn't have a gun.

    If there are other (similar) letters floating around I'd like to see them.

    Now, having said that, I was not happy to read in that same letter that a failure to reply in a timely manner somehow implied consent to being declared incompetent. In order to be named legal guardian for my mother in law, an alzheimer's patient, we had to appear with her in front of a judge. The fifth amendment guarantees due process before being deprived of life, liberty or property. Failure to reply to a letter isn't due process, imo.

  11. This is just another example of how the government is hitting gun ownership rights from all possible angles. Here is a another true life example. My friends wife and he were having marital problems. The pastor suggested psychlogical counseling for the wife. My friend wanted to support his wife. He had to sign a paper at the beginning of her sessions saying HE acknowledged having mental health sessions with her and thereby disqualifing him for gun ownership. He backed out and the wife had to go alone.


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