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Saturday, February 09, 2013

Two Dozen Delegates Seek Repeal Of Septic System Limits

Residents of the Eastern Shore and other parts of rural Maryland are up in arms to defend their land rights which they believe are under threat as a result of last year’s environmental legislation commonly referred to as the Septic Bill.

Dozens of farmers and Maryland-natives rallied behind Del. Michael McDermott, R-Worcester, at a hearing Wednesday in the House Environmental Matters Committee on McDermott’s proposal to repeal the controversial bill. The bill has 24 co-sponsors, all of them Republicans.

“It amounts to nothing more than a confiscation of our private property,” said Jerry Miller, a farmer who had come to the hearing with his son to support the repeal. “Our city cousins don’t seem to understand. Our land is as much a home as our house is.”



  1. A tractorcade is scheduled in Annapolis on Tuesday. It is being organized by a group from Howard County. So you see, Wicomico isn't the only county with concerns about the zoning. Information about the protest can be found on Facebook Citizens Protesting SB236. See you there.

  2. 24 co-sponsors all republican! I thought that Cane, Mathias, and Conway were for local folks. They, like O'Malley have tunnel vision. If it's not proposed by a democrat, it's no good. Boys, you better wake up!

  3. for those of you who are in wicomico county you can thank del. cane and del. conway for their yes vote on this bill that will hurt many citizens of our state. it especially hurts the eastern shore counties because of the following reasons:
    1. decrease in land values for land owners and farmers.
    2. realtors are already having a harder time showing and selling properties outside the city limits because these properties may need a septic upgrade and under this new law; it must be a mound system (15,000 - 25,000) vs. upgrading a drainfield for $4500 - $5500. do you see the dilema here?
    3. ANYONE who owns a home in the county; this is for you. if you need a new septic system or just a new drainfield you must contact the health department and they will tell you to put in a mound system. isn't this just special? MOST citizens of this county or the eastern shore for that matter don't have a clue about this new bill that has already been passed. again; we can thank cane and conway (democrats) who don't give a rip about you or the fact that you may not have the money to upgrade anything with that price tag.

    i called all the county council reps. and spoke to 5 of them. they seem to want to repeal the bill or at least let each county decide what is needed. i also called politte (never returned my call); conway (never returned my call) and cane. cane did return my call, but he's clueless and doesn't even understand the issue.

    i know this is a LONG comment, but please educate yourselves and start to get involved. there are many people who can't possibly afford this and can't afford to not sell their home or continue to lose property values. again "big government" trying to control all of us. put pressure on the local reps who are against the citizens and voting party line. cane, conway and politte.

  4. My next toilet is going to be a biological toilet. Free compost, no septic and very cheap in the long run. They've really come a long way in the last 20 years thanks to India.

  5. Like the waterkeeper alliance, they've got a lot of nerve! How are ordinary people expected to comply? It's just NOT possible!

  6. No doubt Cane, Conway and Mathias will be against this bill -- and the Shore -- with their pal O'Malley. Let's make this their last run in Annapokis, not just hope and pray that it is.

    Join and support the Wicomico Tea Party, and help stop those mentioned above and their allies in the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Wicomico Environmental Trust, along with Rick Pollitt and Jacob Day, from killing liberty and freedom in Maryland and especially in Wicomico County.

  7. Please put this post at the top for today because it is important for the Lower Shore to know who in Annapolis is for us and against us.

  8. 8:24,and be sure to bring your manure spreaders.

  9. Its a proven fact that cities and towns dumping wastewater into the rivers is the problem but inept lawmakers continue to do nothing.

  10. 9:12 Amen. Take a ride up to the inner harbor in Baltimore and view the water. It's almost a fire hazard. Even boats navigate around the main channel because of floating trash.

  11. Just look at the Wicomico river!


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