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Saturday, February 23, 2013

To Government, Every Penny Is Sacred

In his State of the Union, he said, “The American people don’t expect government to solve every problem.” But then he went on to list how, under his guidance, government will solve a thousand problems, including some (like climate change and a loss of manufacturing jobs) that are probably not even problems.

The president bragged about creating “our first manufacturing innovation institute” in Ohio and says that he will create 15 more. Politicians claim actions like this are needed to solve the “decline of manufacturing” in America. John McCain, Mike Huckabee and Pat Buchanan also fret about this. But what they call “decline” is myth. There is no decline in manufacturing.

The Federal Reserve says that U.S. manufacturing output is up from 2000, and up almost 50 percent from 1990. Yes, manufacturing employment is down because automation and government’s labor rules led companies to automate and produce more with fewer employees, but that’s OK.

Manufacturing jobs are no better than other jobs. Few parents today prefer their children work in factories rather than offices.



  1. Cut the 85 Billion because everyone needs to feel the pain not just 49% of us.

  2. I agree 8:26 - EVERYONE needs to feel the pain. This government says one thing and does another.

    Government should stay OUT of private business and let capitalism thrive. Then and only then will we all prosper. And the safety nets will be secure.


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