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Friday, February 22, 2013

Thank You, Mr. President

America is fed up with GOP obstructionism. So undoubtedly, everyone is hopeful that Republicans will allow President Barack Obama’s sequestration plans to proceed unhindered. It’s only right.
The GOP, in fact, should quit while it’s ahead. Rather than penning editorials and appearing on Sunday morning talk shows to try to pin the blame on others, leadership would be far better off simply saying: “Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you for dreaming up a plan that implements some minimal spending cuts. Thanks for signing it into law. It’s not much, but we sure appreciate it.”

It’s been a while since the GOP held the upper hand in any skirmish, and this situation holds the special distinction of asking nothing of Republicans — a tactic that meshes well with their present skill set. No arguing over “revenue.” No threat of a government shutdown. No default. No need for a protracted surrender.

How will it play out? “Are you willing to see a bunch of first responders lose their job? … Are you willing to have teachers laid off or kids not have access to Head Start?” asks the president. Don’t forget firemen, TSA agents and mental health workers — a chilling proposition if any of it were true. We’re about a week away from a White House press release warning that sequestration would mean your kid’s disabled preschool teacher would have her wheelchair repossessed.



  1. If that's what it takes to wake americans up to the fact that the government take over of our Republic is unacceptable then yes.

  2. The head idiot wants the sequestration. He is the one that made it up. Let him have it.
    The idiot makes Jimmy Carter look fantastic!! And he was horrible!

  3. I've been saying, let him have his way. Then when the stuff hits the fan blame will be properly placed.

  4. Let it happen! I completely agree with this writer!

  5. Obama and the Democrats made their bed, let them sleep in them. This was Obama's law 2 years ago. Remember these are cuts in new spending.


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