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Monday, February 04, 2013

Survey Question 2/4/13

Did you feel like calling out of work this morning?


  1. Absolutely. Guilt took over

  2. Yes, but I didn't. I should have because it seems that eveyone else called out with a case of the "Super Bowl Flu".

  3. If I were lucky enough to have a job, I'd be happy about going to work today.

  4. No. I watched the game, in bed 45 minutes later than usual, and was awake an hour earlier than usual. I'm thinking winning just makes me feel better!! Congratulations Ravens!!

  5. I am a poultry farmer. What am I supposed to do, call the chicks and tell them I won't be in? I doubt they speak English.

  6. Couldn't even think about it

  7. Just another Monday.
    3 Weeks to the Daytona 500!
    Turn the clocks ahead an hour in about 4 weeks, so there's more light in the evenings. And baseball starts training camp, with televised games in about 4 weeks.
    4 week weather extended forcast has it warming up in the next week. Hopefully we've beat winters worst.

    Just get Winter overwith!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why call in sick?

  8. It was VERY hard to come to work today. I could fall asleep if I hold a blink for too long.

  9. Wanted too but decided I still need my job.

  10. I just stayed up so I would not be late for work. I have the best of two worlds..The Ravens winning and that I do have a job to go to.

  11. I wanna call out every Monday?

  12. I couldn't afford to but I think O'Malley actually did since he was in Louisiana.

  13. Absolutely! But then I remembered that I run my own company... so I trudged on.

  14. Anonymous said...
    I am a poultry farmer. What am I supposed to do, call the chicks and tell them I won't be in? I doubt they speak English.

    February 4, 2013 at 11:24 AM

    So God Made The Farmer.... Thank you

  15. Anonymous said...
    I called in with anal dyslexia.....I just couldn't see my arse going to work.

    February 4, 2013 at 11:35 AM

    It should be "ANAL GLAUCOMA"

    Dyslexia is writing and reading words backwards.....


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