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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Student Being Bullied In One Of Our Dover Schools Once Again

This is a post that was sent to face book as a cry out for help because she is being bullied at her school and the teachers do nothing. something has to be done about this and I'm sharing this for all the un heard students who are scared to express themselves. Please reach out and help me to stop the bullying in our schools once again. I now have to seek counseling for my daughter because of this. she is emotionally drained and is not liking school because of this and I don't want it to exculpate into anything further. what should I do?

Why am I the target. Why is it that this has to happen to me? That's all i want to know, Why do people bully and bash others for their appearance or things they can not change about their self.Besides i’m just being myself! and this is what I get for standing for something, Being different, being me! I’m sick of it! it hurts, it truly does and people always say “it gets better” or “it can be worse” but put yourself in my shoes deal with people saying you’re a :fat bitch” or calling you names like precious, Because it hurts, and to deal with this on a daily basis, it burns. You know on Fridays i’m just happy school is over because I finally get a break, but the Hateful words don’t go away. they stay there.permanently in my thoughts. I hardly remember anything good that's happened to me at all. 

But i’m just sick of it. like the very first day of school People laughed at me, called me fat, stared at me. And when I got home mom asked how it was and i replied like i always do “It was good” no details needed, Nothing. I just didn’t want to relive any of it because it hurt so bad. and that went on then it got really bad and it moved to the bus, and that was still within the first month of school. and almost every day I’d get home go to my room and cry, reliving and playing back everything that was said to me that day and before on. then it would die down a little then come to an extreme. then I actually made three good friends, but that was three months later so i was lonely, sad, depressed, for three months. 

And now here we are, in February, six months in, and it still hurts. and these past two weeks where emotionally draining.because last week on Wednesday, January 30th, 7:46 am in homeroom these guys were really talking about me but the thing that gets me the most is that the teacher walked by, stopped, looked at them, and walked away. Just WALKED AWAY! no help whatsoever. and the main people who tell you that you need to tell an adult or someone, is the TEACHERS! And yesterday in the library, the same guys were doing it again but this time there where more than just one teacher. there was three. and not one said a thing! then in science, we had just got new seats and just as the teacher walked by this boy called me a “Fat bitch” just loud enough that almost everyone in the classroom heard him, but of course the teacher, did NOTHING! 

But I’ve came to a conclusion that no one is going to help you but yourself. so i’ll just have to suffer through it I guess...Why?


  1. So sad that this happens to our children. I had a child in a christian school and this happened there as well. There is no safe place for children that are bullied/harrassed. Talking to the teachers/administration does not do a bit of good. It is heart wrenching to watch this happen. GOD knows and will take care of it in HIS time; may not be while you or your child are around to see, but GOD does handle things like this when least expected.
    About the only thing left to do is prepare to homeschool your children, or go the costly route of tutoring, but with these possibilities there is not a lot of social interaction unless you get your child involved in things such as little league, music, dance, or something along those lines.

  2. Can we get back to the days of when kids were taught that you confront a bully with a punch in the mouth? You fight it out today and you're back to playing nicely tomorrow once the pecking order has been reestablished.

  3. Need people with a backbone in schools again. Politicians,teachers and pastors also.

  4. Forget the teachers, this should go to the principal or Board of Education. This child is crying out for help, shame on those teachers! Glad to see this posted on the blog, I hope someone from the school system reads this and takes action!!

  5. I cannot fathom why a teacher does not address this behavior. It would not be tolerated in my classroom.

  6. Bullying happens everywhere, to people of all ages. Grow some thicker skin kid, because life is never gonna get any easier.

  7. Bullying does happen at all ages. As bullies get older, they often hold positions of authority that give them even more power to intimidate and demean. Those who witness and do nothing are not much better than the bullies themselves.

  8. Teachers should step in but many do not unfortunately. Something needs to be done to punish the bullies because many kids these days are committing suicide from being tormented by bullies.

    In most cases it is the bully's parents fault from being abusive. Most parents suck at parenting and have no business being parents in the 1st place.

  9. My heart goes out to this young lady. I am a 43 year old mother of two and was heavy in high school. I was bullied also to the point that we had an assignment in our photo class to video a commercial and the group of five guys in the class did a commercial on weight loss and named their product after me. NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING was ever done. the class, the teachers, the school watched these commercials, and NOTHING was done for me. I tell you this because I have carried this with me my whole life. I am no longer heavy, but the emotional scars are so very real. Please, Please, help these children. I would love too, I just don't know what to do! To the young lady who wrote this, keep your head up, and stand up for yourself. When they start in, smile (as hard as that is) and flip them off at the same time!

  10. She is crying out for help, you are her parent. Instead of letting her cry in her room everyday , let her cry on your shoulder. Remind her of how beautiful she is. Help her. Go to the administration, file bullying reports, document everything. If that does not work go to the superintendent.

  11. Go to the boe. Ha! They don't care either. And fighting back ha! The child being bullied is the one who gets in trouble. My son was bullied as well for 2 yrs in wico county. I did everything I could. We got no wheres. Everyone brushed it under the rug. Now my son is getting major help because of it. No one wants to help. Its so sad

    1. My son was also bullied for two years. Once we found out about it we took the steps necessary to end it. We met with the principle on several occasions. We filed bullying reports, we went to the BOE. The principle was helpful , and assigned an assistant to the bully, he was with him all day every day. The Superintendent was also helpful after much persuading and had the bully assigned to a different school the next year. My son began to blossom, and has so much more self confidence now then I ever thought possible. Oh and to your comment about fighting back, Ha! My son was also told by us to stick up for himself, even if that meant getting sent to the principles office. One day he got the coutage and knocked the wind out of the bully with a quick elbow to the rib. The bully never told, and nobody saw anything.

  12. My son ended up in the hospital after being bullied and the school administrators new every detail of what happened and they did NOTHING!! Gotta love the WCBOE, needless to say, my son goes to a different school now. It's amazing how they do nothing and turn heads when they know what's going on.


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