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Thursday, February 14, 2013


This statement is issued in response to inquiries regarding the status and scope of the Maryland State Police investigation into the shooting that occurred February 12, 2013 in Owings Mills, during a Baltimore Police Academy training exercise.
This criminal investigation is being conducted by the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit, which also conducts criminal investigations into all police shootings involving Maryland state troopers and allied police departments when requested. Homicide Unit investigators are being assisted by State Police investigators from the Criminal Investigation Bureau and crime scene technicians and scientists from the Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division. 

State Police investigators have conducted and are continuing to conduct interviews with persons who were at the shooting scene, as well as anyone who may have information related to what occurred. In addition, evidence collected from the scene will be analyzed and reviewed in an effort to corroborate witness information. State Police investigators are receiving full cooperation from Baltimore Police Department personnel.

The Maryland State Police investigation is being conducted as a criminal investigation with the purpose of determining if a crime occurred and who was responsible for that crime. The Maryland State Police is not conducting an administrative investigation. An administrative investigation examines the adherence of personnel to department policies and procedures.

Maryland State Police investigators will conduct a thorough, detailed, and appropriate criminal investigation. As a result, a prediction of when the criminal investigation will be complete cannot be made. Based on the circumstances known at this point, there is no doubt the criminal investigation will take at least weeks.

When the State Police criminal investigation is complete, it will be forwarded to the Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office for review. That office will determine any action taken based on the results of the criminal investigation.

To maintain the integrity of this criminal investigation, the Maryland State Police will not make further public comment or provide developing details as the investigation progresses. This is State Police policy regarding ongoing criminal investigations.


  1. Long story short cops did nothing wrong like always.

  2. 5:00 PM I have a feeling you are wrong on this one. My guess is the Baltimore City police training officer is guilty of attempted murder. I have a feeling there is a lot more to this case than meets the eyes. I believe this is why there is a long story and a long investigation. The writing is on the wall and you will see the shooter will be convicted. Real guns and ammo aren't used during training so it's easy to see something wrong happened.

  3. 5:35 what I'm saying is what always happens, coverup

  4. Anonymous said...
    5:35 what I'm saying is what always happens, coverup

    February 14, 2013 at 6:31 PM

    I know what you are saying and I am saying if they wanted a cover up it would have happened already. Quit hating cops as much as you do.

  5. Why are you one of them.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Why are you one of them.

    February 14, 2013 at 8:47 PM

    It doesn't matter, quit hating cops.

  7. Do me a favor watch the NRA video then get back to me with that love all cops crap.

  8. Obviously, it is time to disarm the police. Night sticks and tazer's only then maybe we can decrease the damage they can do.
    They won't need gun's anyway as the politicians will already have taken away all the legal guns.

  9. It doesn't matter, quit hating cops.

    February 14, 2013 at 9:56 PM

    How about the cops stop giving reasons to be hated?

  10. So, exactly why is it liberals think cops are better able than normal people to handle weapons?


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