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Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Severe Disaffection: Seventy-five Percent of US Citizens Don't Trust Government

A new survey from the Pew Research Center finds the nation is increasingly distrustful of the federal government: 73 percent don't have faith that lawmakers – members of Congress in particular – will do the right thing. Judy Woodruff asks Andy Kohut, director of the Pew Research Center, for more details and historical context. – PBS Newshour

Dominant Social Theme: This has been going on for a long time and is nothing new. When the economy improves, people will feel better.

Free-Market Analysis: The Pew Survey has found that three-quarters of the United States population doesn't trust government but for the Public Broadcasting System, it's a partisan issue and also "business as usual."

From our point of view, it is not, of course. It is a manifestation of a larger disaffection that has been exacerbated by what we call the Internet Reformation. The Internet allows people to understand their world in ways they didn't before and tends to put discontent into a larger perspective.

Whereas before, people might have been more apt to blame themselves or their circumstances for their troubles, now they may see their dilemmas as part of a larger systemic issue. But the nation's media gatekeepers like PBS continue to focus on such issues as they have in the past, mainly through the lens of the two-party political system. This in a sense trivializes the growing discontent and misinterprets it, as well.

In a transcript of a discussion of the findings, Judy Woodruff of PBS, the US public news organization, positioned the issue as one where people felt they were "not getting what they want out of government."



  1. But 53% think Obama is doing a good job-go figure.

  2. how can you trust a govt of thieves and rogues. thanks sjd

  3. I'm surprised that the percentile isn't in the 90's range.

  4. I don't trust these numbers. I bet It's in the 90s like 12:40 said

  5. I won't trust them until they are paid pro rated to their job performance.

  6. Alex trust them. So that makes him a 1%er

  7. somebody keeps voting the thieves back in!

  8. judy woodruff of pbs says we're not happy and don't trust the government because we're not getting enough out of them??? NO judy; we don't like or trust the government becuase they try to control us in every way possible, they make a mess of everything they touch, they are crooks and liars, they make laws and regs. for us that they don't have to follow, they waste my hard earned dollars, they tax us beyond reason, and it's no longer "we the people"; it's their way or the highway. they don't give a d..n about us. they have lined their pockets with our money and continue to do so as we speak.
    Never Trust the Government...they are not your friend.
    Less government is what was the founders of this nation intended; not the mess we have today.
    Anyone else on this blog tired of local, state and federal governments? If you are, speak up and let your voice be heard. Shout it until they can't stand it any longer. Make their lives as miserable as they have made ours.
    I just called canes, conways, and politts offices to let them know in no uncertain terms what a mess they have created with their stand on the latest "septic" bill. those of you on this blog should be doing the same by raising h..l with each one of them and letting your friends and neighbors know what this over reaching bill will do to the citizens of wicomico county and the surrounding counties on this side of the bay.
    Stop complaining and whining and start doing something constructive. Move it now !!!

  9. somebody keeps voting the thieves back in!

    February 5, 2013 at 1:52 PM

    Yeah, the computer program in the voting machines that changes the votes.

  10. Is there a valid reason we should trust them?

  11. Go to ..Mdelect.net ..find out the email addresses of your rep.. then write your rep as i have


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