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Thursday, February 07, 2013


As the sequester cuts Obama signed into law in August 2011 draw closer to implementation, the Navy is making plans to ground the Blue Angels during the latter half of 2013.

This was revealed by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert last week, when he sent out a memo showing the Navy's plan for complying with the cuts.

Grounding the Blue Angels for half a year will entail canceling 30 shows and will save approximately $20 million.



  1. But congress gave themselves a raise!

  2. And how much did Obama's Hawaii Christmas vacation cost us? This Muslim knows exactly what he's doing. The American people are just plain stupid.

  3. One of the greatest recruiting tools the Navy has ever had. I am so sad.

  4. Not to mention the business dollars lost by those who came to the shows and spent money.

  5. One more thing he has done to dismantle this country.Here is some more change for you.

  6. I'm thinking that ya'll don't get it. When we learn not to spend money we don't have we can get this economy straight.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    Not to mention the business dollars lost by those who came to the shows and spent money.

    February 7, 2013 at 11:21 PM"

    Obama's too economically challenged to think out something like this. These are the things that get people out spending money thereby bolstering the economy not giving fly by night companies like Solyndra billions.

  8. You can't have it both ways. If we want to cut spending, we have to stat somewhere. This is a good place to start!!

  9. Obama didn't write the bill, Congress did. Congress has also failed to meet it's obligations as lawmakers for the past 4 years. Le't put the blame where it belongs.

  10. The pres is lowering everything that America loves do YOU see the pattern ?

  11. It's what's called a stalemate
    8:12 and sometimes it has to be done so the other side sees the reality.
    House and Senate Republicans demanded hugh spending cuts as a conditon for raising the debt limit. Democrats refused.
    Both parties had agreed to negotiate for what is known as a grand bargain (agreement in politicalese) deficit reduction package. In the end Democrats were not serious about spending cuts in any meaningfulway.


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