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Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Senate Considers Monthly $2 Natural Gas Surcharge

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - The Maryland Senate is considering allowing natural gas companies to ask state regulators to impose a $2 surcharge on monthly bills to help recover costs for replacing aging infrastructure.

The Senate is scheduled to take up the bill on Tuesday.

Senators who back the measure say companies need to replace aging pipes to address safety concerns. Opponents say gas companies shouldn't be asking for extra money to do a job they should have been doing all along.



  1. The opponents are correct. The gas companies should be paying for this out of their own pockets. But they'll get the regulators to agree and anyone who protests will be ridiculed for objecting for a measly $2 a month.

  2. Just put it up for a public vote you gutless cowards. It would never pass. Quit jamming this crap down the public's throat. We don't want to pay it!

  3. Sure just tax us more.

  4. "They" espouse how wonderful it, then charge you a fee for getting it? Have they no morals at all?
    When will IT STOP? Aging infrastructure? Where's the maintenance that needed to be there all along? They should have to "eat" the costs since they're the ones responsible!

  5. The senate should suggest cleaning up their acts...No more taxes, fees, licenses or others to replace revenue needed because of mismanaged funds!

  6. Next the senate will propose a fee to fund the new "Fee Research and Implementation Department" on all energy and fuel sources along with this fee. Anyway what is a "Fee"? Isn't it just a nice name for a new tax?

  7. Thats their job. They've spent every dollar available for the next 50 years. Now its a matter of more fines, fees, taxes, and surcharges. IT WILL NOT STOP. Unless its at the point of a gun. Jefferson was right. Absolutely right. But most people today are bored with books, especially ones that don't talk about the glory of being a single mother, how to get on disability, or who Tom Cruise is dating now. Revolution is the only answer. But don't pay any attention to what Jefferson said. Most of you liberal ninnies and sheeple are SO much smarter than him. Even though you couldn't write a coherent PARAGRAPH, don't have an attention span longer than 30 seconds, and could NEVER dream of writing anything like the Declaration of Independence....


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