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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday Night Live Observes Lent With The Most Offensive Sketch In Its History: Djesus Uncrossed

2013's Lenten season began Wednesday, and Christians all over the world are observing the six week lead-up to Easter Sunday. It's a solemn, reverent, time for millions of faithful. So, of course, the ultra-tolerant progressive left sees it as an opportunity to unload their derision, their hatred, and their ugliness upon believers.

Case in point is last night's episode of Saturday Night Live.

NBC's comedic brain trust thought it would be just oh-so-hilarious to mark the fourth day of Lent with an appalling, ugly, and insulting sketch called "Djesus Uncrossed." The mock movie trailer portrays the resurrected Christ as an uber-violent, shotgun wielding, killer. Back from the grave, the risen Christ seeks bloody revenge against the Romans who crucified him.



  1. He will get revenge , but it won't be with Romans.
    You can hide , but it won't do any good.
    The MSM is first on his list

  2. I bet you they don't have the guts to do a skit about mohammed. You know what they say about karma it will come back to bite them in their butts. Hope I am around to see it.

  3. No Muslim would ever do an unfavorable skit about mohammad. Ob' would not allow it.

  4. The leftist cowards pick on Christianity because its an easy target. If they did the skit with mohammad a fatwah would be ordered with reward for the heads of the infidels. SNL used to be funny back in the day, now its just blasphemous garbage.

  5. Comcast is purchasing from GE the remaining stock of NBC that it did not already own. Going forward Comcast has sole responsibility for the content of NBCesspool.

  6. Time to drop Comcast services.

  7. That's kinda funny, imo. I think Our Lord can take a joke.

  8. How about we bust the so-called prophet Mohammed chops.


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