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Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Republican Delegates Question Use Of Highway Funds For Transit, Other Programs

The state transportation secretary got an earful from Republican delegates on the Appropriations Committee Friday. They wanted to know how much transportation funding had really been diverted to other programs and questioned why more transportation money was spent on mass transit than on public roads this year.

“We were told that all of the money from the general fund has been paid back, but there’s about a billion dollars from the highway user fund that has not been returned,” said Del. Nancy Stocksdale, R-Carroll. Stocksdale was referring to the $1.1 billion of highway funds that have been diverted from the transportation trust fund to the general fund since 2003.

Legislative analyst Jonathan Martin explained that highway user revenues are not technically part of the transportation trust fund and that because they are a legally distinct entity, the O’Malley administration is correct in saying that it paid off all its debts to the transportation trust fund.



  1. Stop worrying. It's all covered. The Highway funds were paid back using Teacher Pension funds. The Pension funds will be paid back with gun registration fees. Further, if the City of Salisbury is left to follow the ways of the State and County, the Library funds will be paid with the profits coming from Section 8 housing.

  2. and that's why they had to raise the bridge and tunnel tolls.


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