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Friday, February 08, 2013

Rep. Sarbanes: Some Gun Makers Build Sales Models on Assumption 20% 'Will Get Sold Illegally’

Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) told Maryland county officials that some gun manufacturers build their sales models “on an assumption that at least 20 percent of the weapons will get sold illegally.”

While addressing the Montgomery County Council on Jan. 29, Sarbanes discussed his support of Vice President Joe Biden’s recent gun control recommendations saying, “I want to note that the resistance to it, the organized resistance to it, doesn’t just come from organizations like the NRA, which gets a lot of attention, but there’s a lot of moneyed interests behind it - the gun manufactures have a pretty strong lobby as well in Washington.”

Sarbanes continued, “There’s some information that suggests that some of these manufacturers build their sales models on an assumption that at least 20 percent of the weapons will get sold illegally. So the industry is even building on the assumption that this is happening out there and there are many reasons this is the time to respond.” 



  1. Sounds like a kinda out there statement, but before we here the usual "liberal socialist stalin" crowd chime in, I hope folks will actually fact check the statement. Then feel free to call him a "liberal socialist stalin" if his story doesn't hold up.

  2. There is also some information that suggest this guy is a complete moron!!

  3. "There’s some information that suggests..."
    Right up there with Harry Reid's anonymous informant network.

  4. Democrats love their security, love the fact there families are well protected. But they could care less about your sons & daughters and their safety because you are expendable.

  5. And this is our very own Tony Sarbanes nephew. That's all I need to know. Have know the uncle for 45 years and was never impressed but even less so at this point. However, Jimmy, the cousin of John, is a very good guy with his priorities right. So you see, I'm not opposed to the Sarbanes name just the ones who are liberal crazies.

  6. When we have the DOJ selling a large part of the illegal guns, how in the world does Sarbanes expect manufactures to ever know the true number? John Jr was born into this vocation with the help of his father not due to anything he brings to the table. Just for single Democratic doctrine for the whole country including the States, Counties, and Cities. Vote for Albero, break up this organized crime.

  7. An assinine statement to say the least. What could this supposed statitical assumption have to do with how the guns are manufactured??

  8. nothing but gibberish!!

  9. That still leaves 80% of law abiding citizens able to protect them selves. So we are to handicap 80% leaving 20% to to purchase as they please anyway. His arguement sucks!!As do all Sarbanes!!

  10. This makes no sense what so ever. What would a manufacturer gain by making such a forecast?

  11. This is Tony Sarbanes nephew so that speaks volumes about this liberal family. Only a liberal communist Democrat would fabricate a lie and Kool Aid drinkers will fall for it.

  12. An assinine statement to say the least. What could this supposed statitical assumption have to do with how the guns are manufactured??

    February 8, 2013 at 6:27 PM

    This makes no sense what so ever. What would a manufacturer gain by making such a forecast?

    February 8, 2013 at 7:05 PM

    I was wondering the same things. I didn't read the article, because I felt it would be a waste of my time, so I don't really know the context.

    But judging from your replies, it seems I am correct in it being a waste of time to read it.

  13. Hey Johny boy, got ANY FACTS with your story? Oh, there isn't any? Keep in mind assuming something makes people looklike an A%%. Here is one fact: This administration gave away Tons of Powerfull Guns To Drug Cartels South of the Border, heard of Operation Fast & Furious? Of course not, that wouldn't fit Liberal Socialist Agenda.

  14. He must be talking about Government contracts! Fast and Furious! Benghazi...!
    Yup, Gun companies build their sales models on the fact that the Obama regime and progressive liberal morons like Paul and John Sarbanes will sell large quantities of guns illegally.
    I'll buy that.
    What a dumb donkey!

  15. Each gun has a serial number that a gun manufacturer is required to register with the feds and trace where the gun is eventually sold! The mere thought of this statement backs up the "Fast and furious" motif!

  16. Bullard is correct, every firearm is registered and it illegal to sell a firearm from which the SN is removed or altered. Remember it took only a day or two to completely trace the rifle that killed JFK and it was made in Italy!!!!!!!

  17. mindless pandering and propaganda. what a moron!

  18. He is like the rest make any statement because most of the people that read such dumb statements in the msm believe it. There seems to be no other side because msm is afraid to stand up to FACTS , they promote the people in charge right or wrong

  19. THERE'S SOME INFORMATION TO SUGGEST. What does that even mean? It means I am going to make a statement and I will have no accountability regarding its truth or accuracy. But if anyone wants to take it as fact, that is your opinion.

    And what if it's true? The manufacturer isn't responsible for a dealer selling them illegally. I'm sure Big Pharma knows exactly the percentage of their products are abused and are the cause of violent crimes. You never hear talk of banning pain pills or SSRIs. Why do you suppose that is?

    There's some information that suggest these politicians are paid of by drug lobbyists, along with doctors and everyone else in the medical profession to push the dope.


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