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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Rep. Andy Harris Supports PLAN Act to Force President Obama To Pass A Balanced Budget

WASHINGTON, DC—Today, Rep. Andy Harris (MD-1) strongly supported the “Require a PLAN Act” (H.R. 444) that requires President Obama to submit a budget that balances in 10 years or let Congress know by April 1st when his budget would balance. Below is also a radio recording by Rep. Harris where he outlines his support for “Require a PLAN Act.” 

The President of the United States is obligated by “The Budget and Accounting Act” to submit a budget each year on the first Monday in February. Even though he is obligated to do so, President Obama has been late to submit a budget four of the last five years. On Monday, the President said he would not be submitting his budget on time and did not let Congress know when his budget would be submitted. 

This bill is common sense legislation to compel President Obama to fulfill his responsibility to pass a budget that balances. Families and businesses all across Maryland have to live within a budget, so Washington needs to as well. After four years of trillion dollar deficits, it’s time that President Obama acknowledge the spending problem America faces and do something about it. 

Rep. Andy Harris statement: 

“America cannot continue spending money we don’t have. We have a moral obligation to ensure that the country we leave our children and grandchildren is as free and prosperous as the one our parents left for us. Yet today, each child in this country owes $53,000 as a share of the national debt. That must change. President Obama needs to get serious about the debt being left to our children, and the “Require a PLAN Act” forces him to do his job.”


  1. Way to go Andy! Thank You!

  2. Force Obama???? What a laugh! That JOKER does as he d....well pleases, in effect throwing a temper tantrum and saying "Kiss my grits". That is where Clinton learned how to do it to congress.

  3. thank you Rep. Harris.

  4. Harris is grandstanding. He's just another pig at the trough and KNOWS damn well we can NEVER EVER "balance the budget" again. In ours, or our great granchildren's lifetime. They have spent too much and will not stop. Does he know what "unfunded liabilities" are? If not, he should start learning something about them. But, he KNOWS it SOUNDS REALLY good and will play well in his press releases. He is either REALLY stupid or thinks we are.....I'm going with the second one...

  5. Any piece of legislation that requires anything "in 10 years" is worthless.

    Budgets are done annually, not by the decade.

    The next year's budget can wipe out any so-called "savings" or "progress" that may be included in a decade-type goal.

  6. Andy, I know you are beating a dead horse, but I do appreciate the effort! Keep beating until someone in Congress comes alive!


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