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Thursday, February 14, 2013


A pregnant 16-year-old girl known as R.E.K. and hailing from Texas is suing her parents. But she’s not suing because her parents are trying to prevent her from getting an abortion. She’s suing because she says her parents are trying to force her to get an abortion.

According to the complaint, “R.E.K., plaintiff, is a 16-year-old girl, who is nine (9) weeks pregnant. She does not want an abortion but her mother and father are attempting to coerce her to have an abortion.” 



  1. Yeah, until this 16 year old girl has the baby, and then tries to get her parents to help and all the other crap that goes with a kid...

    This is a typical mind set of kids, who have kids... Mommy and daddy will take care of me, they will raise my kid for me and watch my kid whilst I go have another with some loser guy who probably will leave when he gets the word he is the father... Just like most guys that are kids...

    It will be funny to see what happens in this situation because, would the parents be in trouble or be responsible for their 16 year old's baby? being the welfare of the 16 year old baby?

    What if the parents have no money, what if the parent have no time to help their 16 year old out with the baby, would the parents be liable for their 16 year old choices and baby, if the 16 year old can't or won't raise the kid properly and support it financially and the rest?

    if the 16 year old, is old enough to have sex, and produce a baby, and the fact that she is suing her parents over this to keep it, then she should be solely responsible and if the parents say no to helping financially or says no in watching the kid and saying this is your responsibility now, can the be held liable for what the 16 year old does or doesn't do when ti comes to the well being of the baby?

    I bet you, they will, and I bet you she will have the baby and still try to get her parents to raise it for her whilst she is out running around parting or having more kids... From what I read, the 16 year old already had 4 abortions, unless they were speaking about the mother...

    Besides who would want to bring a baby in to this type of world, where everyone is having their health and money taken from them by the govt...

  2. The judge should rule that the parents cannot make the teen get an abortion. He should also rule that the teen has to be emancipated from the parents so the parents don't have to pay for the teen's pregnancy or the new child. And then he can just go ahead and enroll the teen on the state welfare and medicaid program and all the taxpayers can raise the new child. Problem solved--right?

  3. 3:55, your comments are so sad. i guess your conclusion is kill the baby. so now we have 2 victims; one dead and one walking dead.

    joe, thanks for posting the picture of the pre-born baby. there's no way to say this is anything but a baby.

    there are many other options besides killing this baby. that's the bottom line.


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