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Monday, February 04, 2013

Oyster Recovery "Amazing" In Shore Creek

Now for a bit of good news - and from an environmental group at that.

Drew Koslow, the Choptank Riverkeeper, reports that while walking the shore of Harris Creek in Talbot County, he saw an "amazing" abundance of oysters growing in the intertidal zone, inundated by water at high tide but exposed to the air at ebb.

"You literally couldn't take a step without walking on oysters," Koslow said in a recent release by the Mid-Shore Riverkeeper Conservancy. "In my four years as the Choptank Riverkeeper, I have never seen spatfall density like there is in Harris Creek."


  1. Is the moniker "Choptank Riverkeeper" bestowed upon an individual or is he self titled?

    Hooray foy Drew. (I mean the Choptank Riverkeeper!) Thanks for the oysters, Mr. CR.

    Please don't sue a local farmer like our coastkeeper did as your next triumph.

  2. Shows oysters grow better out of that water.

  3. actually this is good news however everyone kn0ows the choptank is one of the only two rivers in maryland that are still considered clean. Unlike the wicomico or pokomoke or God forbid the potomac or anacostia or susquehanna. Might want to station DNR there. I'm sure some of those law abiding eastern shore waterman have already ben working overtime figuring out how to harvest these oysters!


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