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Friday, February 08, 2013

O'Malley Outlines Measures To Boost Jobs

Governor Martin O'Malley on Thursday highlighted some initiatives he hopes will stimulate job growth by increasing training for positions in the highest demand and clearing some hurdles to employment for military families.

The Democrat has put $2.5 million in his budget proposal to create a competitive grant process to help get people the skills for jobs that are in high demand. The initiative, called the Employment Advancement Now Initiative, would encourage regional training collaborations among businesses, nonprofits, colleges and local governments. It would focus on industries such as traditional and advanced manufacturing, cybersecurity and health care.

"This is really an effort that is driven by employers who say they have jobs that are open, they need more employees with the skills to fill them and so this EARN bill will help more moms and dads get the skills they need to enter those better jobs," O'Malley said at a Senate hearing.



  1. I can't decide if this is just a joke or another load of crap.

  2. O'Malley's going to boost jobs. Then he must be stepping down, 'cause everything he does kills jobs and hurts the working few.

  3. Just more political gibberish...

  4. He must be talking about Boosting People's Wallets. Welcome to OweMalley-Land, Home of High Taxes, Surcharges & Fees, Feel Free to Drop your wallet and Leave.


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