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Saturday, February 16, 2013

O’Malley 2016? Some Voters Say They Support A Run For White House

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — New Hampshire voters are asked if they have made up their minds on the 2016 presidential election, and some say they would consider voting for Governor Martin O’Malley.

But as political reporter Pat Warren explains–he would have some distance to cover.

Many are tested, but who will run?

Governor O’Malley is showing up in polls around the nation, the latest in New Hampshire–where the first primary is held. Among Democrats, the University of New Hampshire Survey Center reports Hillary Clinton with an 80% favorability rating this far out of 2016, Joe Biden with 51%. 



  1. Good luck on that one skippy!

  2. What do you expect from a liberal state? if there should be anything left of this nation after obama, o'malley will finish it off. What a total waste. But Ireton wants o'malley's job...there goes MD!

  3. O.M.G. Really? Hillary and Joe? Bawhahahahahahaha! O'Malley too? Bwahahahahaha!

  4. And some voters want the bum thrown out of office...

  5. hes a white obama. thanks sjd out with the bum.

  6. I am a Republican and would like to see O'Malley run!........

    Just to see Hillary kick his a** out of the park.

    That's is the least Maryland deserves for putting up with him for two terms!

  7. Give me a break!? f up baltimore ..then the state and know he wants to ruin the nation with his libtard ideals ..give us all a break omally ...sell toothpaste you phony excuse for a politican

  8. You've got to be kidding????? There won't be much left if and when Obama is out of office.

  9. I look forward to voting for anyone else...

  10. No way...If Ben Carson Runs I would be happy...

  11. 80% & 51% favorability ratings for hitlery & dumbo??? Isn't that way more than 100 %? How can it be...dead people questionnaires?

  12. I'm hoping for a Marco Rubio/Rand Paul or the other way around, ticket in 2016. Either one is young enough to serve 2 terms as VP then run for president in 2024.

  13. Obama want-to-be. Power, money and morals run amuck. Socialism / Progressivism running rampant.

  14. He's a legend in his own mind. The democrats are going to get behind him no more then they did John Edwards. They think he's a moron/a useful idiot kind of thing. They used him when they needed him and then will throw him to the wolves.

  15. I don't want this slime-bag in the white house - but I certainly don't want him running this state any longer!


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