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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Obamacare Will Force State Government To Spend Millions On Health Care For Contract Employees

State budget officials do not know how many state employees will qualify for medical coverage under the federal Affordable Care Act, or how much it will cost to comply with provisions beginning Jan. 1.

That number could be as high as $88 million for Maryland government, according to an analysis presented Tuesday by the Department of Legislative Services. The analysis showed the cost could dip to $20 million or lower if the state decides to pay a penalty instead of subsidizing coverage.

But in any case it is extremely unlikely the number would be as high as $88 million, said Anne Timmons, director of employee benefits for the Department of Budget & Management.



  1. So, all these Democratic, O'Malley and Obama worshipers that work for the state have no clue what's in Obamacare. Even Obama doesn't know whats in the law! Obamacare will be the biggest job busting law ever passed.

  2. Having worked in this sector , you must know what's going on.
    Most contracts are awarded to minorities , we will be paying for their health care.

  3. The article can't be true. The dumbocrats told me Obamacare would be free.

  4. If you can't afford your premium offered by Obamacare, you get to pay an annual fee for opting out of health insurance. This looks eerily like a healthcare monopoly in the works.


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