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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Obama Weighs Stepping In On Gay Marriage Case

WASHINGTON (AP) — Facing heightened expectations from gay rights supporters, the Obama administration is considering urging the Supreme Court to overturn California's ban on gay marriage — a move that could have a far-reaching impact on same-sex couples across the country.

The administration has one week to file a friend-of-the-court brief with the justices outlining its opinion on the California ban, known as Proposition 8. While an administration brief alone is unlikely to sway the high court, the government's opinion does carry weight with the justices.



  1. Obama needs to get his priorities straight and focus on our economy instead of worrying about the legalization of immoral laws of men marrying men!

  2. He is an appropriate advocate. Among his other wonderful qualities he has expertise in this subject. For more information checkout the Larry Sinclair press conference.


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