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Monday, February 04, 2013

Obama Says Boy Scouts Should Allow Gays As Members

President Barack Obama said Sunday that gays should be allowed in the Boy Scouts and women should be allowed in military combat roles, weighing in on two storied American institutions facing proposals to end long-held exclusions.

The president's comments in a pre-Super Bowl interview on CBS come ahead of this week's meeting of the Boy Scouts' national executive board. A proposal to open up the Scouts' membership to gays is expected to be discussed and possibly voted on at the gathering in Texas.

The Boy Scouts emphatically reaffirmed the no-gays policy just seven months ago, but announced last week they were considering changing the stance. Instead of mandatory exclusion of gays, the different religious and civic groups that sponsor Scout units would be able to decide for themselves how to address the issue _ either maintaining the exclusion or opening up their membership.



  1. The problem is not GAY BOY SCOUTS, but predatory gay boy scout LEADERS, the same problem that has occured with other "persons in authority", to wit: teachers, coaches, priests, quasi parents, the list goes on and on.. How can you stop it when gov't encourages and protects the perpetrators??

  2. If they don't, they are probably looking at lawsuits. Nothing is sacred anymore.

  3. Next he's going to want Christians to stop preaching the gospel. Everything needs to be his way regardless of individual and organizational beliefs.

  4. Might as well add girls to the list. Under Obama NO group should exclude anyone!

  5. The U.S. is rapidly transgressing into a nation whose people accept the exact same wicked and immoral behavior similar to what the people in Sodom and Gomorrah accepted.

  6. I have no problem with women in combat except for the ones who expect to be treated like a woman instead of a "combat weapon". Sorry, NOT the place for most women to be. It changes the whole concept of warfare.

  7. Anonymous said...
    If they don't, they are probably looking at lawsuits. Nothing is sacred anymore.

    February 4, 2013 at 9:46 AM

    Who gives a flying F*&^ about a lawsuit. You wimps always cave in because someone might sue you. Get a set of cajones and stand up for your rights.

  8. I agree with 9:40.
    I believe for the most part the homosexual community is not a bunch of perverts running around preying on children.
    But I will say that for the most part most of the homosexual community is a bunch of liars who refuse to admit that male pedophiles who prey on young boys are homosexuals.

  9. The end of true boy scouts if pass.

  10. They've exposed the pedophiles in the Catholic churches and now they need somewhere else to prey.

  11. This is the right thing to do, the Boy Scouts should not ever represent intolerance.

  12. Part of the liberal democrats "war on children" by making them easier to prey on. It meshes well with their belief that underage girls should be able to get an abortion without the parents knowledge or consent.

  13. So then, girls can join the Boy Scouts and boys can joing the Girl Scouts.
    So then, white young women, native American Indians,and so on, can also compete in Miss Black America.
    So then, someone not being an American citizen can be president of the U.S.; oh wait, we've done that.

  14. if the parents of boy scouts would simply say "ok, my child will not be part of this"; the boy scouts would cave. i realize this is coming from the government, but this makes no difference. if there are no more scouts as we know now, this is a mute issue.
    parents, you have the power, but you're to wimpy to use it. take your stand; walk away. what's so hard about that?

  15. Gays and Illegal immigrants have more rights than the American taxpayer will ever have.

  16. 1212 Gays are American taxpayers. What rights do they have that are more than yours?

  17. OK 10:58.. "..not ever represent intolerance"... what next? I suggest you rethink your statement..I would think there are other moral issues that should meet intolerance. Just read the 10 Commandments. That should give some ideas to ponder as to "intolerance". But then again if you subscribe to "moral relativism" then I am afraid you are...lost..
    ...While I do ascribe to our country as being exceptional, I do not delude myself into thinking we are not immune to following the failures of the past by other great civilizations. Please read some history of great civilizations.. "..those that ignore history are destined to repeat it..."

  18. The Boy Scouts of America are a private entity and receive no public funds. They should be able to exclude anyone they want to exclude. If you don't like it start up your own youth organization.

  19. Parents will not want their boys to join because of fear of the consequences. The Boy Scouts will cease to be unfortunately, and I have a son who earned the rank of Eagle Scout. I would not have wanted him to become a Boy Scout if I knew gays were allowed to join.

  20. 1:37 What if your son had been gay? You would have wanted him to be denied participation in the Boy Scouts or denied that Eagle Scout?

  21. Right, 1:25, start your own organization. Except that is what Hitler did and that is already what is happening here in the good ol' USA....Destroy the current "enemy" organizations from within and without and replace them with their own.

  22. Doesn't the president have more pressing problems to focus on than the Scouts? Speaks volumes of his leadership qualities. He should stay out of this and let the organization resolve the issue. He should also stay out of making football requirements and let the organizations handle their own issues. The president picks high profile groups that garner a great deal of press to insight the far left and media bias. The president should stick to keeping the country safe and secure, and promoting small businesses to increase jobs. Do something he can handle.....maybe!

  23. I don't have a problem with gays in military, boy scouts, etc. I do have a problem when adults abuse children (any sexuality) and it's covered up. Like how the Riverside facility has come up in many child abuse probes, yet it's never talked about. Sick people.

  24. Just ANOTHER way for the gays to get to our kids.

  25. Our troop , over the years, had many boys who in later life turned out to be "gay." Nobody paid any attention to it. The scouts are too young to know whether they will be or not unless some "adult" interferes with their normal development. This is where the problem arises: people forcing themselves and their ideas on children in order ro control their minds. That is what is happening in our schools every day. It's called "brainwashing."

  26. Most pedophiles are Gays. Just another inconvenient truth.

  27. Why not let them be girl scouts

  28. The transformation of our youth is complete public schools have re educated ...this and previous generations to belive in evil and all things evil are Ok the ones who believe in god family n moral values are now the new racists


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