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Sunday, February 24, 2013


I know many people here do not like Infowars as a source of news, but has anyone else heard of this? If true, do you find this disturbing?
Natural News
Feb 21, 2013

I really didn’t want to cover this subject, but a warning has to be issued to Natural News readers. Infowars writer Paul Joseph Watson has uncovered proof that a U.S. based company called “Law Enforcement Training, Inc.” has been selling millions of dollars worth of “no hesitation” targets to the Department of Homeland Security.

These targets (see images below) are used to train DHS employees to shoot American citizens and they depict pregnant women, old men, children and even young moms with guns. The purpose of the targets, according to the company that sells them, is to “eliminate any hesitation” that U.S. government employees might normally feel in shooting to kill pregnant women, children and old men. (I’m not making this up. The government’s plan to murder Americans is now right out in the open…)

InfoWars reports they have been informed the “no hesitation



  1. I for one think Infowars is one of the best sources of info out there. They tell you all the things the mainstream can't talk about. The goverment control's the msm. All you see now a days are news people that read a script with no usefully info what so ever.

  2. Shhhhhh go back to sleep little sheep all is well your goverment will take care of you.

  3. Conditioning. They (our government) is conditioning the military, just as they are conditioning US. To comply, to submit, and to surrender. And they are training our soldiers to be merciless in suppression. What does it take for the sheep to rise? Watching your mom get gunned down might do it. For a government that so anti-gun, they sure are hell-bent on USING them. Against us.

  4. after they shoot everybody and there is no more money then what

  5. They don't care about the USA its all about the NWO. Complete control. 1:26 I've seen a lot of your comments It's nice to see someone gets it

  6. Do they make "No Hesitation" targets showing military, coast guard, TSA, and homeland security as well? Maybe I need to order a few for the gun club.


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