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Friday, February 15, 2013


Salisbury, MD … Reverend Mark Thompson, M.Ed. will be the guest speaker for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) monthly meeting on Thursday, February 28th at 7:00 P.M. This meeting will be held at Chipman Cultural Center, 325 Broad Street, Salisbury, MD. Reverend Thompson is the Disproportionate Minority Contact Coordinator at the Board of Education of Wicomico County. The public is invited to attend this meeting.
Rev. Thompson’s topic will be “Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline.” Thompson will give history into how the prison to school pipeline came into existence and the effects on youth of color. Mr. Thompson asserts, “Although the problems associated with the school to prison pipeline seem overwhelming, we will engage in a discussion on what the schools are doing and review strategic plans for the community in addressing this issue and dismantling the pipeline.”


  1. I am so glad the NAACP is addressing this. This is the starting point if we are to truly see a reduction in crime.
    I've mentioned on here before how I would love to see implimented something along the lines of a Mayor's Mentoring Program and the Sby PD getting more involved with disadvantaged kids.
    I think we are already aware of the causes (poverty,lack of postive role models esp with the young boys)so we really need to focus on finding a "pipeline" to run interference when the first sign of deliquency (or even before) appears in these kids.

  2. We all know that the problems begin at home. Now you expect the schools to fix fix something that was sent to them already broken. Schools are not daycare centers. When the liberals stop letting disruptive students stay in classes and bring others down to their level, that will be a jump start.

  3. Address single parents.

  4. Address 80% of babies being born out of wedlock and why that should not be blamed on the schools.

  5. Address the lack of and in most cases, nonexsistant black parenting.

  6. I will bet a dollar to a doughnut (although that phrase is quickly becoming even money) that whatever proposal is put up for the vote will NOT include initiating a "Basic Morals" class in every grade in every school.
    The total disregard for religious beliefs and the realization that there is a higher being to be answered to in lieu of just getting away with it past the local school cop is FAILING.

    Sorry to be blunt. but that's the problem.

  7. Need to start with the parents and hold them accountable.

  8. How about stop finding excuses for kids who never work or behave? Make them responsible for their conduct instead of blaming everybody else. If a culture doesn't respect education or supporting one's family, maybe the schools aren't to blame for that.


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