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Monday, February 04, 2013

More Teens Smoking Pot Than Cigarettes

Seems like teens have gotten the memo that cigarettes are bad for you; however, the same isn’t true for marijuana, according to a study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.Released late last week, the government study revealed that in a nationwide study of 15,000 high school students, pot is now more popular among teens than cigarettes, CBS reports. Eighteen percent of surveyed students in 2011 reported smoking a cigarette in the past month, while 23% reported smoking marijuana in the last 30 days.

Perhaps thanks to the anti-smoking campaigns in ads and in schools, or to the personal experiences teens may have with family members or relatives with lung cancer, cigarette use has been on the decline over the past few years.

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  1. They don't need an ID to purchase pot like they do with cigerettes.

  2. Ciggs cost too much!

  3. Pot is FAR less dangerous, not addictive (despite what Bill O'Reilly claims), doesn't lead to crime (or heroin), and won't make you a werewolf, all of which the government has erroneously claimed for years (except for the less dangerous part). Our government, supporting our safety and concerned for our well being, has LEGALIZED cigarettes and alcohol, which together KILL a MILLION or more Americans EVERY YEAR, and placed marijuana (which has NEVER killed a single human in history) in the same class of drugs as HEROIN. Yep, you just gotta trust them. They seem to know what they are doing....now, excuse me...I haven't had my martini yet and I'm jonesin' for some Bacardi...REALLY jonesin'....


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