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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Miles-Traveled Tax And Associated Mandated GPS Devices

The information below may sound like an internet urban legend, but it is real! I am testifying tomorrow to the Maryland House Ways and Means committee in favor of HB 682 to prohibit the state of Maryland from creating a fee or tax on every vehicle for miles driven in the state. They would require a GPS device to be installed in every vehicle to measure the miles to assess the tax! HB682 is an attempt to preempt the state from what I consider a huge invasion of privacy.

The state does not want to raise the gasoline tax, so they want to do this instead. They also keep tapping into the gasoline tax fund and use over 50% of it for non-road purposes.

Oh, they want to create this program to "clean the environment," because people will drive less if they are paying per mile!

I urge you to determine (from the attached document) if your delegate is on the Ways & Means committee and if so, contact him or her to vote FOR HB682.

Starting in 2020, Big Brother, in the form of the state of Maryland, could be riding along with you!

Jim Donohue

The state of Maryland is considering a requirement of a GPS device in all vehicles and then imposing a tax per mile traveled in Maryland. This is in the interest of “clean air” because MD citizens will then travel less. There does not appear to have been a legislative bill. (How that can be is unexplainable). The law would go into effect in 2020. (There are already some states in the N.W. US that are testing such a program).
To preempt such an executive order from taking place, a bill has been introduced in the Maryland House to prohibit a miles-traveled tax and the installation of a GPS device to track in-state mileage. The bill is now before the House Ways and Means Committee. The bill is HB682 – Prohibition of Miles-Traveled Tax and Associated Mandated Devices.
If you feel strongly about preventing a miles-traveled tax and the installation of a GPS device to track those miles, you are asked to contact your Maryland state delegate if they are on the House Ways and Means Committee and urge them to vote FOR the bill. The first hearing on this legislation will be held on February 28th.
2013 Maryland House of Delegates - Ways and Means Committee
District County
Chair: Sheila E. Hixson 20 Montgomery 
Vice Chair: Frank Turner 13 Howard 
Kathryn L. Afzali 4A Frederick
Jolene Ivey 47 Prince Georges 
Kumar P. Barve 17 Montgomery
Anne R. Kaiser 14 Montgomery
Joseph C. Boteler III 8 Baltimore County 
Eric G. Luedtke 14 Montgomery 
Talmadge Branch 45 Baltimore City
Aruna Miller 15 Montgomery 
Jon S. Cardin 11 Baltimore County
LeRoy E. Myers, Jr. 1C Allegheny and Washington 
Don Dwyer, Jr. 31 Anne Arundel 
Andrew Serafini 2A Washington
Mark N. Fisher 27B Calvert
Melvin L. Stukes 44 Baltimore City 
C. William Frick 16 Montgomery 
Michael Summers 47 Prince Georges
Ron George 30 Anne Arundel 
Jay Walker 26 Prince Georges 
Carolyn J. B. Howard 24 Prince Georges
Alonzo T. Washington 22 Prince Georges
You can easily find and contact your delegate on the internet.



On the right side of the page, click “Who represents me?”

Enter your address or zip code and your delegates name will appear.

You can then send him or her a message on-the-spot regarding the legislation.


  1. So what about "out of state commuters? How will they be taxed? I personally hope Maryland passes all these silly stupid laws......and there will not be a person living in the state to pay their friggin taxes

  2. These libtards never seem to run out of ways to take your money.

  3. If the robbed "trust" funds were restored to State Highway and the gas tax eliminated this could be an idea worth considering. This is clearly a "user" fee/tax and there has to be a way to generate revenue for highway improvements. Does any one have a better idea?

  4. Yeah get rid of Omalley get somone who can really run a budget

  5. Another good way to continue the destruction of the economy, nobody will want to drive anywhere. If the goal is to make us as similiar to the communist chinese as possible, with most of the population on bicycles, this bill would certainly help. Oh wait! then they will just create a bicycle tax.

  6. Oregon Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer is trying to make this a federal tax also. He started bringing this up in 2006 in the state of oregon and now he is trying to make it a federal tax. I could not tell from the article if you would then be subject to both a state and federal tax on the miles you drive. pathetic.

  7. Yes because I just love paying the 200 dollars a week in gas we already have to pay since there are no jobs in this area. This will be just the push we need to say the heck with it and stop working and collect welfare. I would love to travel less but until those idiots in Annapolis and DC figure out how to get the economy working again some people have no choice but to drive to where the work is.

  8. I am getting sick and tired of these leftist liberal wingnuts micromanaging my life. I storm is brewing in the near future.

  9. They want to watch every move you make and take your guns as well. You stupid ignorant people that voted for these liberal morons should brand a "D" on you foreheads so we know who voted for Dems when the civil war breaks out.

  10. Just look for the Obama stickers on their cars or all the steaks in their grocery cart 222

  11. you guys think I'm kidding I really am going to leave the state I work in Virginia and after todays gun law and now they're attempt at this I really I really gotta get out of here

  12. They will lose all the vacationers coming to the beaches, and the jobs that were supported by them...good move o'dummie.


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