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Friday, February 08, 2013

Md. Lawmakers Approve Natural Gas Surcharge Bill

ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- The Maryland Senate and the House of Delegates have approved measures allowing natural gas companies to seek a surcharge of up to $2 on monthly gas bills to help recover costs for replacing aging infrastructure.

The Senate voted 35-12 on Thursday for the bill. The House vote was 120-17.

Lawmakers who supported the bill said companies need the boost to help replace aging pipes and address safety concerns. Supporters also say the surcharge would have to be approved by the Public Service Commission, and the money wouldn't be charged until work was done to improve infrastructure.



  1. I think the gas companies have made enough profit on the customers. It's their responsibility to replace the aging pipes at their own expense, not the customers. I guarantee you that $2 surcharge will never leave.

  2. There should not be any reason for a "surcharge". If the gas companies are charging fair market value for their services, which includes upkeep on their trucks, pipes, storage and drilling facilities, then that's fair market value. If they are squandering their money, another more lean, mean, and efficient company will be able to supply the customers for less, and therefore out compete with the overweight company. Fair market value.

  3. Well, That settles that. I'm not getting it!

  4. Once again what happened to all the democrats talk about taxing the rich?

  5. So this means if I have a gas fire place in my house for cosmetic reasons only I still have to pay the monthly surcharge even if I rarely use the gas. Just because you have an account with a gas company you are going to have to pay a $2 tax. That is messed up.

  6. Next O'Malley will approve a 2$ surcharge on propane because their delivery trucks need new tires. Do the Democrats ever stop finding ways to tax Marylanders?

  7. So now Maryland Democrats are supporting private businesses with additional taxes. The national gas companies are owned by stockholders and should not be supported by the taxpayer.

  8. Oh Whoopiee! Another tax, imagine that in MD.

  9. Just another tax, we are being taxed into oblivion.

  10. Just like the 'one time' real estate tax to clean up the bay,..still being collected every year. Expect it to double or triple soon because the money is being pssd away. Just like the "Transportation Fund". Typical chicago politics.

  11. better get more funding for Shore-Up to pay peoples energy costs. robbing from the poor to give to the rich

  12. Yup.glad I buy my gas from Delaware

  13. Delmar Delaware is looking more inviting all the time, and it doesn't take you 2 years to obtain permits to build a house.


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