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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Md. Inmate Homicides Spiked in 2012

HAGERSTOWN — Inmate-on-inmate homicides at Maryland state prisons spiked in 2012 to seven, the highest number in at least 11 years, the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services said Tuesday.

The seven slayings, up from four in 2011, were isolated incidents that don’t reflect decreased safety at the agency’s 27 institutions, spokesman Rick Binetti said in an emailed response to questions from The Associated Press. He said inmate-on-inmate homicides have averaged 3.6 per year since 2001.

“While there was an uptick last year at seven, there have been other years where that has kicked up above the average as well,” Binetti wrote. For example, there were six such deaths in both 2009 and 2006, he said.



  1. I wonder how many murders were classified as "suicides" to keep the numbers low? Like the local school board saying there were no reports of bullying this year (true statement). Sixty some incidents in the prior year. But NONE this year. Uh huh.

  2. Good. Better than a death penalty... let the animals take care of one another.

  3. Don't like it don't go there!


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