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Monday, February 04, 2013

Md. County Recommends TB Testing In School

Wicomico County officials are recommending that students and staff at a Salisbury high school be tested as a precaution for tuberculosis after a student was diagnosed with it.

Officials say skin testing will be free to anyone who had extended contact with the infected student, who attends James M. Bennett High School and is currently receiving medical care.

The school district sent out a letter to parents and staff and also held an informational meeting.



  1. Another gift from our illegal neighbors from the south (besides more votes for the Democrats).

  2. I bet it was a student from a 3rd world country who had it.

  3. Most likely what you are saying is true 10:44 thanks to our relaxed immigration policies of today. It used to be that immigrants were held at point of entry (Ellis Island as an example)and required to have a medical exam.

  4. In the student's defense, my father had TB & was born & raised in NYC.

  5. If a person has been previously exposed to TB & is now a positive reactor will come up positive on the skin test. They will need a chest x-ray.


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